深情和爵士风格的样品 我们从20世纪60年代深情优雅的声音中汲取了大量灵感,包括来自昆西·琼斯、约翰·科尔特兰等艺术家的影响。
模拟和合成灵感样本 对于20世纪80年代的部分,我们研究了这十年中一些最伟大的艺术家,如麦当娜、迈克尔·杰克逊、杜兰·杜兰等,以传递那个时代以合成器为中心的声音。
我们充分利用了我们收集的传奇模拟合成器,如Akai AX60,来捕捉这种声音的魔力。
RnB,嘻哈和垃圾吉他样本 20世纪90年代的几代人集中于十年来各种流行的艺术家,如Fugees,涅槃,TLC,等等。
嘻哈样本 这一部分重点介绍了2000年的嘻哈音乐,灵感来自那个时代的一些大牌明星,如斯科特·斯托奇、德瑞医生、50美分、米西·埃利奥特等等。
WAV MiDi | AudioZ Exclusive |
GENERATIONS: 60’s Premium Samples
GENERATIONS: 70’s Premium Samples
GENERATIONS: 80’s Premium Samples
GENERATIONS: 90’s Premium Samples
GENERATIONS: 2000’s Premium Samples
GENERATIONS: 2010’s Premium Samples
The 1960’s
Soulful & Jazzy Inspired Samples
We took heavy inspiration from the soulful and elegant sounds of the 1960’s, including influences from artists like Quincy Jones, John Coltrane, and more.
This collection encapsulates the magic of the 60’s era with jazzy, soulful, vintage style sounds that tell a story.
Inside, you’ll get everything from Melodies, Drum Loops, & Drum One Shots inspired by the 1960’s decade of music.
The 1970’s
Marvin Gaye, James Brown, & Funk Inspired Samples
This section of GENERATIONS embodies the essence of the 1970’s, inspired by artists such as Marvin Gaye, James Brown, Earth Wind & Fire, and more.
We focused heavily on the disco / funk influence of the era, inspiring lush arrangements with a ton of energy.
Inside, you’ll get everything from Melodies, Drum Loops, & Drum One Shots inspired by the 1970’s decade of music.
The 1980’s
Analog & Synthwave Inspired Samples
For the 1980’s section, we studied some of the biggest artists of the decade such as Madonna, Michael Jackson, Duran Duran, and more, to deliver on the synth focused sounds of the era.
We made great use of our collection of legendary analog synthesizers, such as the Akai AX60 to capture the magic of this sound.
This includes everything from Melodies, Drum Loops, & Drum One Shots inspired by the 1980’s decade of music.
The 1990’s
RnB, Hip-Hop, & Grunge Guitar Samples
The 1990’s section of GENERATIONS focuses on a variety of popular artists of the decade such as The Fugees, Nirvana, TLC, and more.
We wanted to cover a wide variety of influences from this decade, so there will be everything from RnB, Hip-Hop, to Grunge guitar style samples inside.
This includes everything from Melodies, Drum Loops, & Drum One Shots inspired by the 1990’s decade of music.
Early 2000’s
Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, & Scott Storch Inspired
Hip-Hop Samples
This section highlights the sound of 2000’s Hip-Hop, pulling inspiration from some of the biggest names of the era such as Scott Storch, Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Missy Elliot, and more.
Early 2000’s hip-hop played a significant role in shaping the genre’s trajectory and establishing its mainstream appeal.
This includes everything from Melodies, Drum Loops, & Drum One Shots inspired by the 1990’s decade of music.
2010’s EDM
Skrillex & Deadmau5 Inspired Samples
For the 2010’s collection we studied some of the top artists of the era, to deliver on the classic sound of early EDM including Skrillex, Flume, Deadmau5, and more.
The 2010s were a transformative decade for EDM, as the genre experienced a surge in popularity, reached mainstream audiences, and influenced the sound of popular music.
Inside the pack, we included everything from Melodies, Drum Loops, & Drum One Shots inspired by the 2010’s decade of electronic music.
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