Adobe Firefly是Adobe为其Creative Cloud suite创建的一系列生成式人工智能模型。它旨在通过神经网络工具丰富和简化Adobe应用程序中的创作工作流程。Firefly在Adobe股票、开放许可作品和版权过期的公共领域材料的图像数据集上接受了训练。Adobe保证所创建的图像可安全用于商业用途,并且不会侵犯其他人或品牌的知识产权。
在此版本发布时,Adobe Firefly仅在Photoshop 24.6 beta版中可用
版本:Firefly AI beta for Adobe Photoshop 24.6 x64
版本:Adobe Firefly Beta for Adobe Photoshop 2023 x64
文件大小:45 MB
预装Adobe Photoshop版
需要Adobe Photoshop中的授权
平台:Windows x64
运行FireflyAI.exe文件,等待消息“添加Adobe Firefly支持完成”。好好享受!”全部!
Adobe Firefly is a family of generative artificial intelligence models created by Adobe for its Creative Cloud suite. It is designed to enrich and simplify creative workflows in Adobe applications through neural network tools. Firefly was trained on a dataset of images from Adobe Stock, open-licensed works, and public domain material that has expired copyright. Adobe warrants that images created are safe for commercial use and do not infringe the intellectual property of other people or brands.
Currently, Firefly’s AI is focused on generating effects for images and text, and one of the main USPs is modifying and creating content-aware images right in Photoshop. Firefly supports a feature called Generative Fill that allows you to change the original image (add and remove objects, change the weather, the shape of objects, etc.) taking into account the perspective, lighting and style. In this way, you can create the necessary content in seconds using natural language.
At the time of this release, Adobe Firefly is only available in Photoshop version 24.6 beta
System requirements
• Pre-installed Adobe Photoshop version 24.5
• No blocking of Adobe servers, in particular used to remove the pop-up window
• Authorization in Adobe Photoshop is required
Platform : Windows x64
Interface language : English / Hungarian / Dutch / Danish / Spanish / Italian / Chinese (simplified) / Chinese (traditional) / Korean / German / Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese (Brazil) / Russian / Turkish / Ukrainian / Finnish / French / Czech / Swedish / Japanese / English (UK) / Arabic English / Hebrew English / Spanish (Mexico) / French (Morocco) / French (Canada)
Medicine : Cured
Installation instructions
Run the file FireflyAI.exe and just wait for the message “Adding Adobe Firefly Support Complete. Enjoy!” All!
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