
Amadine Mac版是Mac平台上的一款终极矢量图形软件。Amadine Mac版是矢量图形设计专业人士和具有创造性思维的业余爱好者的完美解决方案。


64位macOS 10.12或更高版本

Amadine is a vector drawing software with perfectly balanced UI that guarantees smooth workflow and quick learning. The app is perfect for illustrations, designing websites, user interface, laying out flyers and brochures, creating logos and icons.

Developed with precision and attention to what users need, Amadine offers everything you may require to bring the craziest illustration ideas to life.

– Use more that 30 tools for selecting, drawing, editing, slicing and typing.
– Select and modify objects: Move, Selection, Lasso, Eyedropper, Scissors, Eraser, Zoom.
– Draw and edit paths: Pen, Convert, Draw (combines Pencil and Brush), Width, Gradient, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star, Line, Arc.
– Transform shapes: Free Transform, Symmetrical Distortion, Free Distortion.
– Organize artboards: Sheets.
– Type and edit text: Text (combines text in place and text in box), Text on Path, Text in Shape.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit

