运动学院 – 演示 Reel Dash

通过 Demo Reel Dash,您将学习如何通过突出您最好的作品来制作和营销您自己的魔术品牌。在课程结束时,您将拥有一个全新的演示卷轴,以及一个定制的活动,旨在向符合您职业目标的观众展示您自己。

课程长度:10个小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语




让您的 Reel 脱颖而出的编辑技巧
您可能不是视频编辑者,但我们可以向您展示如何以比简单的蒙太奇更生动、更有活力的方式来剪辑您的影片。了解一些会给每个人留下深刻印象的 Premiere 技巧。


With Demo Reel Dash, you’ll learn how to make and market your own brand of magic by spotlighting your best work. By the end of the course you’ll have a brand new demo reel, and a campaign custom-built to showcase yourself to an audience aligned to your career goals.

How to organize, categorize, and rate your work
Get your work organized, categorized, and ready for cutting a new reel. Learn about various “styles” of show reel in our industry, and see some examples of masterfully paced reels.

Memorable viewer experiences via ‘Energy Curves’
Learn how to tell a story using three reels: Montage, Show and Tell, and Narrative. We’ll show you how to add music and sound design to help influence the tone and pace. Explore techniques to make your reel memorable and exciting.

Keep your Reel free of Speed Bumps
Refine your professional goals and ensure that your reel aligns to them. Now it’s time to test your reel to ensure it is effective and engaging. Finally, we’ll prepare a launch campaign so your work gets noticed.

Editing Tricks to make your Reel Stand Out
You may not be a video editor, but we can show you how to cut your reel in ways that will give it more life and energy than just a simple montage. Learn some Premiere tricks that will impress everyone.

How to Promote your new Reel
Now that you’ve positioned yourself correctly, narrowed down your focus, and cut a kick-ass reel, what’s next? Learn how to get eyeballs on your new showreel, and how to upgrade your standing in the industry to get better clients.

