Ignis – Interactive Fire System v2.1.2 想玩火吗?如果想的话,那么Ignis就是你的最佳工具。有了Ignis,你可以把任何物体、植被或带皮带骨的网状物转换为可燃物体,它就会自动着火。然后,火焰可以蔓延,点燃其他物体,被粒子或光线熄灭,或者自然烧尽。Ignis – 互动式消防系统的设计是为了方便和快速使用。



▪ Tale Of a Wolf

▪ Darking Studios


▪ 轻松设置! 只需点击对象菜单中的 “转换为可燃物”,你的物体对象就会自动转换。

▪ 定制火焰! 自定义颜色、长度、燃烧时间、活泼度、及烟雾等。


▪定制/自动化你需要的数量! 使用自动和快速设置你的易燃物品,或根据你的需求进行定制。自定义选项包括例如。全局照明,SFX,可燃区域和重新点燃。

▪与火互动! 使用你自己的粒子或光线投射来点燃或熄灭火焰。火也会自动与风互动。


▪优秀性能! 在3种火焰特效中选择一种,以满足你的需求并优化性能:高质量,轻量级和轻量级纹理。如果你想,你也可以从模板中创建自己的视觉特效(VFX)! Ignis使用Unity的视觉特效图,在GPU上闪电般地模拟粒子!

▪ URP/HDRP/标准RP的演示场景!为URP、HDRP和标准RP提供现成的演示场景。

▪开放代码/图形! 所有的代码都是用C#来编写的,图形是用Unity的图形编辑器制作的,所以你可以完全根据自己的需求来定制它们。





–✅ URP/HDRP (7.3.1+) .

–✅ 内置/标准RP (Visual effects graph 7.3.1-10.2.0),除了一个可选/额外的着色器。(参见上面HQ FPS Demo视频中标准RP中的Ignis)。

▪ Unity 2019.3+


▪ The Vegetation Engine

▪ HQ FPS Animated Weapons Vol.1

▪ Nature Manufacture Environments (E.g. Forest)

▪ Unity Terrain Tree Instances

▪ Vegetation Studio Pro

▪ Limited Vegetation Studio non-pro via runtime prefab spawner (See User Guide for more info)






▪视频中显示的模型和场景未包含在资产中。视频中的场景请查看《植被引擎》和《HQ FPS动画武器》第一卷。

▪官方不支持Unity和Visual Effects Graph Alpha和Beta版本(可能仍然有效)。

▪ Unity官方不支持标准RP中的视觉效果图,但仍然可以顺利运行(视觉效果图7.3.1-10.2.0),请看上面的FPS Sample演示视频。

▪ Ignis还没有正式支持Android、iOS和WebGL平台,因为Unity的视觉效果图还没有出手机平台的预览版。Ignis可以在你的硬件上工作(例如据说可以结合Vulkan,在Oculus Quest 1/2版上工作),但使用时要自担风险。众所周知,视觉效果图在某些GPU上有问题。

❓ Tutorials & Support ❓

Supported Unity Versions (URP & HDRP):

▪ Unity 2019.3+

Supported Unity Versions (Built-in RP):

▪ Unity 2019.3-2021.2.6

Required packages:

▪ URP/HDRP -> Visual Effects Graph 7.3.1+

▪ Built-in RP -> Visual Effects Graph 7.3.1-7.4.1 or 8.0.0-10.2.0

Supported pipelines:

– URP & HDRP (With Visual effects graph 7.3.1+)

– Built-in RP (With Visual effects graph 7.6.0-7.7.1 and 10.2.0+, you need to downgrade to 10.2.0 or 7.3.1 with newer Unity Editor / Unity Editor LTS versions) on Unity editor versions Unity 2019.3-2021.2.6.

Supports many kinds of objects:

▪ Solid object

▪ Vegetation

▪ Trees

▪ Skinned Mesh

Includes open source scripts:

– Flammable object + customizations and extensions for it.

– Editor helper scripts

▪ Includes open source 9 Fire Visual Effects Graphs:

Legacy (Original vfx with high particle count). Legacy flame from when Ignis was launched.
Legacy Lightweight. Lightweight version of legacy flame.
Lively. Formerly known as Lightweight textured. Produces a slow moving lively flame.
Wild. The default VFX. Most suitable for burning objects without controlled environment/airflow.
Gentle. Most Suitable for stylized games using fire as a calming element.
Simple. Traditional low particle count campfire looking VFX.
Old school. This flame spawns flames as flipbooks. You can easily replace the default flipbook with your own in VFX graph. Navigate to the output node of the flame system.
Only Smoke. Root of this smoke is coloured faking the fire burning. Meant for large fires seen from far away where you cannot see the flame particles.
Custom. Build your own flame! Sticky notes inside the VFX graph

Integrated with:

▪ The Vegetation Engine

▪ HQ FPS Animated Weapons Vol.1

▪ Nature Manufacture Environments (E.g. Forest)

▪ Unity Terrain Tree Instances

▪ Vegetation Studio Pro

▪ Limited Vegetation Studio non-pro via runtime prefab spawner (See User Guide for more info)

Compability can be added manually with:

☑️ Almost any shader by just telling correct shader parameter names in one setting/scriptable object.

☑️ Interaction with almost any weapon/usable object by using one script. Scripts: Raycast Ignite, Raycast Extinguish, Particle Ignite, Particle Extinguish. For example add Raycast ignite to your area effect (molotov etc.) or Particle Extinguish to your water particle system and they will interact immediately!

Supported Build Platforms:

▪ Full support:

– High-End Platforms (PC, Xbox, PS4 etc.)

▪ Limited Support:

– Ignis does not yet officially support Android and iOS platforms, since Unity’s Visual Effects Graph is not yet out of preview for mobile platforms. Ignis can work on your hardware (e.g. is reported to work on Oculus Quest 1 and 2 with Vulkan), but is to be used at your own risk. Visual effects graph is known to have problems on certain GPUs.

No Support:

– WebGL

Limitations and notices:

▪ Post processing effects were used in the videos, Images and demo scenes.

▪ Models and scenes shown in videos not included in the asset. Please check The Vegetation Engine, HQ FPS Animated Weapons vol 1 and Free Fantasy Medieval Houses and Props Pack by EmacEArt for the scenes in videos.

▪ Unity and Visual Effects Graph Alpha and Beta versions not officially supported (might still work).

▪ Unity does not officially support Visual Effects Graph in Built-in RP, but is works on specific versions (Visual Effects Graph 7.3.1-7.4.1 or 8.0.0-10.2.0, until Unity version 2021.2.6), see the FPS Sample demo video above. Currently Visual Effects Graph 10.4.0+ seems not to work in Built-in pipeline. Instructions how to use 10.2.0 in your project included in documentation.

▪ Unity editor 2021.2.6+ not supported for Built-in RP. URP & HDRP are supported for all versions.

▪ Ignis does not yet officially support Android, iOS and WebGL platforms, since Unity’s Visual Effects Graph is not yet out of preview for mobile platforms. Ignis can work on your hardware (e.g. is reported to work on Oculus Quest 1 and 2 with Vulkan), but is to be used at your own risk. Visual effects graph is known to have problems on certain GPUs.

