Dialogue Tree and Quest System 4.26 新版本的复杂和灵活的对话系统,具有强大的任务系统。最新更新-对话树现在是一个复杂的故事生成器系统,该系统可以创建非常复杂的非线性结果和任务的对话,我们的对话有内置的电影管理器,选择,声音,多槽动画,先进的摄像系统,现在这个对话系统可以适应任何类型的项目,并可以根据您的项目需求进行调整。任务系统可以独立于对话工作,具有创建多树任务的能力,具有非线性结果,能够在飞行中控制任务流,可以适合任何类型的项目。奖金小地图系统与世界到二维和反向转换,可定制的图标,多个世界地图区域可以同时使用,支持捕捉和纹理小地图。包括来自MSL工具包的子系统,完全工作的本地化和保存系统,系统已经包括保存/加载功能,随时加载对话/请求,将对话/请求本地化为其他语言的功能,包括来自MSL工具包的设置系统和输入功能,如果您拥有MSL工具包的完整版本,可以替换它。


Complex dialogue builder with additional quest and minimap system.
Easily can fit any project, can be used to build any dialogue types.
Works in single player only, not replicated.
Many editable features, includes save-loading and localization support.
Dialogues can use cinematic sequences and animations.
Bonus blueprint systems from MSL toolkit.

Disk Size: 46.7 MB

Number of Blueprints: 1 system actor, 1 component.

Input: Gamepad/Keyboard/Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Consoles, Mobile/Tested only on Win

Supported Target Build Platforms: All/Tested only on Win

New version is compatible with engine versions: 4.19.2-4.26

About version compatibility: The projects made in older engine versions should work fine in newer engine versions by default, in most cases there is no need for update if it’s outdated, but sometimes the engine does change some functions and it may lead to errors in newer engine versions, if you found any errors then notify us and we will make quick fix for the new engine version.

