Adobe RoboHelp 2022版本使您能够跨移动设备、格式和平台提供引人入胜的帮助和策略内容。将内容发布为移动应用或HTML5、EPUB 3、KF8和MOBI。使用动态内容过滤器帮助用户更快地找到相关内容。使用功能区用户界面提高工作效率。Adobe RoboHelp 2020允许您轻松创建个性化的帮助体验。使用新的动态内容过滤器生成增强的DUCC输出,查看过滤内容的外观,并帮助用户更快地找到相关内容。Adobe RoboHelp 2020可让您为任何设备创建和交付内容。借助多项创作效率增强功能,完成更多工作。利用同类最佳搜索创建下一代响应式HTML5布局。生成以内容为中心的移动应用。
Adobe RoboHelp 软件是一个专业创作工具, 可用于开发帮助系统、电子教学内容、知识库以及方案和步骤。其增强的编辑和布局功能使您能创建引人入胜的交互式内容并发布到多个渠道 - 甚至 Adobe AIR? 应用程序 - 以实现全面的在线和离线用户体验。
x64 |语言:多语言|文件大小:720 MB
Adobe RoboHelp 2022功能
增强了!更顺畅地导入Microsoft Word文件。通过对图像和样式的优化处理,轻松将Microsoft Word文件导入RoboHelp。
内存:建议使用4 GB或更大的内存
空间:安装需要3 GB的硬盘空间;安装过程中需要额外的空间(无法安装在使用区分大小写的文件系统的卷上或可移动闪存设备上)
Adobe RoboHelp 2022 release empowers you to deliver engaging help and policy content across mobile devices, formats, and platforms. Publish content as mobile apps, or in HTML5, EPUB 3, KF8, and MOBI. Help users find relevant content faster with dynamic content filters. Work more productively with a ribbon UI. Adobe RoboHelp 2020 allows you easily create personalized help experiences. Use new dynamic content filters to generate enhanced DUCC output, see how filtered content will look, and help users find relevant content faster. Adobe RoboHelp 2020 lets you create and deliver content for any device. Do more with several authoring productivity enhancements. Create next-generation Responsive HTML5 layouts with best-in class search. Generate content-centric mobile apps.
Adobe RoboHelp 2022 Features
Reimagine content creation
NEW! Reimagined user interface. Boost productivity with web-based technologies that make your workspace lighter and faster.
NEW! HTML5 and CSS3 authoring support. Create highly immersive content experiences with out-of-the-box HTML5 and CSS3 authoring support. Easily add videos, audio, images, text effects and other elements.
NEW! Enrich content with Scalable Vector Graphics. Now import and use great-looking visuals that look super sharp across mobile, web and print with SVG support.
NEW! Enhanced Object Properties dialog. Adjust object properties with optimal accuracy and unprecedented ease as they transform in real time with every change.
NEW! Switch between multiple views. Quickly see a preview of your content output or its HTML by switching between author, code and preview views.
NEW! Global style management control. Quickly switch all inline styles in the authoring view on or off via a central control as a global preference.
NEW! Style mirroring. Easily copy formatting and apply the inline or CSS based style to text anywhere else in the topic or its content.
ENHANCED! Conditional content usage. Easily create rules and apply them to a topic, paragraph or word using the new conditional text panel. Now specify the foreground and background colors of conditions, making them easier to manage.
ENHANCED! Cleaner project structure. Easily locate assets with a cleaner and more organized project and output structure.
ENHANCED! Powerful project management. Easily organize and use assets within and across projects with the new Project Manager.
ENHANCED! Real-time CSS editor. Create stunning layouts with a powerful CSS editor. Intuitively make changes by seeing how it reflects on the content in real-time.
ENHANCED! Smoother import of Microsoft Word files. Easily import Microsoft Word files into RoboHelp with optimized handling of images and styles.
2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
5、云桥CG资源站,感谢您的赞赏与支持!平台所收取打赏费用仅作为平台服务器租赁及人员维护资金 费用不为素材本身费用,望理解知悉!