“学习SUBD建模系统,使用Rhinoceros创建引人注目的3D设计”,Rhino 7中的SUBD建模培训在本课程中,您将了解Rhino 7软件中的SUBD建模过程。在本教程中,我们首先介绍SUBD建模,并了解它与Nurbs建模的差异,然后我们以几个例子的形式检查它的工具。本课程的主题如下:SUBD建模方法的原理Rhino 7中的基本SUBD建模命令多项目建模本课程面向初级和中级水平。目标是在之前的Rhino 3D教程的基础上扩展您的3D知识。Rhinoceros 7- Subd Plugun- From Zero To Hero
本课程将对所有对Rhino建模感兴趣的人有用。无论是工业设计师、建筑师还是室内设计师,我们还将教你如何使用loft命令建模,使你能够创建简单的长凳、椅子,甚至是一座塔!如果你想让你的建模技术更上一层楼,我们将指导你创建卡塔尔国家会议中心大楼的过程,以及由Karim Rashid设计的模块化立面。我们的课程还将教你如何制作床头灯,为你提供设计细节和复杂设计的技巧,无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的3D设计师,我们关于Rhinoceros软件的课程将为您提供创建令人惊叹的3D设计所需的技能和知识,让您的工作更上一层楼。现在就下载,开始创造吧!
犀牛7- Subd Plugun-从零到英雄
1280X720 mp4 |时长:2小时 24分钟
“Learn SUBD Modeling System and Create Compelling 3D Designs with Rhinoceros”
What you’ll learn
Differences Between SUBD, Mesh, and Nurbs Modeling Systems.
Create and Edit Initial Forms
Create Complicated Forms
Create Simple Benches, Chairs, and Even a Tower
Create Modular Facades
Design a Bedside Lamp
Create Complex Designs
Create Stunning Designs
Master Rhinoceros 3D Modeling for Amateur or Professional Users
Basic Knowledge About Rhinoceres
SUBD modeling training in Rhino 7In this course, you will get to know SUBD modeling processes in Rhino 7 software.In this tutorial, we first introduce SUBD modeling and learn about its differences with Nurbs modeling, then we examine its tools in the form of several examples.The topics of this course are as follows:• Principles of the SUBD modeling approach• Basic SUBD modeling commands in Rhino 7• Multi-project modelingThis course is offered for beginner as well as intermediate level. The goal is to expand your 3D knowledge based on previous Rhino 3D tutorials.This course will be useful for all people who are interested in modeling in Rhino. Whether industrial designer, architect or interior designerWe will also teach you how to model using the loft command, enabling you to create simple benches, chairs, and even a tower! And if you’re looking to take your modeling skills to the next level, we will guide you through the process of creating the Qatar National Convention Center building, as well as a modular facade by Karim Rashid.Our course will also teach you how to model a bedside lamp, providing you with the skills you need to create detailed and intricate designs that will leave a lasting impression.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced 3D designer, our course on Rhinoceros software will give you the skills and knowledge you need to create stunning 3D designs that will take your work to the next level. So enroll today and start creating!
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