用这种广泛收集的滴水、溅水、猛冲和倾泻来弄湿自己。我们在工作室和现场录制了这个拼接原件会议。通过一个立体声水听器和一对XY beyer dynamic MC 930s,我们精心捕捉了不同大小和材料的容器中无数排列的水声。然后,我们带着野外记录仪和水听器去户外冒险,捕捉游泳池中更多的跳水和水花,以及雨水、小溪、河流和海洋的氛围。Splice Originals Water WAV MiDi Astra and Beatmaker Presets-FANTASTiC
利用这些声音,我们构建了一套Beatmaker套件,让您在会议中快速启动和运行。我们还包括一组Astra预设,以补充您的作品,其中包含一次性和弦、音符和音频+ MIDI循环,灵感来自法国印象派作曲家德彪西和拉威尔、日本环境作曲家吉村浩史、前卫作曲家威廉·巴辛斯基以及90年代R&B艺术家SWV和TLC。我们希望你能使用这些声音来扩展你的架子鼓的调色板,创造重音效果,或者为那些深海水下的梦谱曲。
格式:.wav .mid
Get wet with this extensive collection of drips, splashes, plunges, and pours. We recorded this Splice Originals session in the studio and in the field. With a stereo hydrophone and an XY pair of Beyerdynamic MC930s, we meticulously captured countless permutations of water sounds in containers of varying sizes and materials. We then ventured outdoors with our field recorder and hydrophone to capture more plunges and splashes in a swimming pool, as well as ambiences of rain, creek, river, and sea.
Using these sounds, we constructed a set of Beatmaker kits to get you up and running quickly in your sessions. We also included a set of Astra presets to complement your productions with one-shot chords, notes, and audio + MIDI loops inspired by French impressionist composers Debussy and Ravel, Japanese environmental composer Hiroshi Yoshimura, avant-garde composer William Basinski, and ’90s R&B artists SWV and TLC. We hope you’ll use these sounds to expand the palette of your drum kit, create accent FX, or compose a score for those deep underwater dreams.
• 261 Samples
• 23 MIDI
• 42 Presets
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