Created by Ace D. Karter | MSc, MBA
由Ace D. Karter |理学硕士、工商管理硕士创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子学习|语言:英语|时长:50节课(4小时20分钟)|大小:2 GB
300+ Python编码练习,面试问题,针对初学者教程|编程,Python Speedrun,欢迎来到“Python的100天”课程。在本卷中,我们将深入学习Python并应对Python的挑战。如果你想通过强化练习将你的Python技能提升到一个新的水平,那么这个课程就是为你而设的。应用您的知识解决300多个Python练习,并通过带有视觉效果和图表的分步视频讲座来检查您的解决方案。解决Python练习以提高您的Python知识解决300多个练习并提高您的问题解决和编码技能。学习新的Python工具,如内置函数和模块。应用您的Python知识来解决实际的编码挑战。理解代码如何在幕后一行一行地工作。找出解决问题的不同方法,并确定哪种方法更简洁有效。用不同的值和输入测试您的代码,以验证其正确性。获得实用且有价值的编码技能。100 days of Python: Practical Python Challenges & Quiz 2023
你好!我叫艾斯。我是一个充满激情的软件开发人员,一个终生的学生,一个有着10+年经验的游戏开发人员。通过我的实习工作室,我已经教了1000多人如何成为专业的软件工程师。我的专长是Python、C#、Unity 3D、Java、JavaScript、HTML、CSS和其他技术。我的目标是让编码变得有趣,让每个人都可以使用。这就是为什么我的课程都是互动的,结构清晰。这些课程不需要以前的经验。本课程将帮助您获得知识、技巧、诀窍和技能,从而提高您的Python技能并为您做好准备。你的下一次Python面试。你准备好了吗?我们开始吧!
主题涵盖了Python基础知识:变量、原始数据类型、循环、流控制Python OOP:类、对象python;方法:封装、多态、参数。方法重载Python类型转换:类型转换。转换方法Python构造函数:构造函数重载,对象初始化器语法Python继承:base关键字,方法重写& nbspPython泛型:泛型类,泛型方法Python数组:创建数组,& nbsp数组与for each循环,对象数组等等!提高你的Python & nbsp技巧,获得宝贵的实践经验Python是目前最流行的编程语言,其受欢迎程度每年都在持续上升。它用于各种领域的实际应用,如Web开发、数据科学等等。学习Python是你进入强大的计算机科学世界的下一步。通过实践,你可以提高你的编码和解决问题的能力。您还将学习可以在Python中使用的新工具。你对Python的了解在任何领域都非常有用,包括:网络开发数据科学人工智能游戏开发移动应用开发医疗软件计算机视觉和…更多!编码技能对于在未来的世界中取得成功至关重要。因此,如果你正在考虑进入这些领域中的任何一个,或者如果你正计划扩展你的计算机科学技能,那么这个课程就是为你准备的
这门课程的独特之处是什么?本课程是独一无二的,因为它强调提供解决方案如何在幕后工作的直观和详细的解释,因此您不仅将学习如何用Python实现它们,还将了解每一行代码的用途。通过详细的视频讲座检查您的解决方案,并在您的设备上运行代码。您将收到一份结业证书,您可以将其添加到您的社交媒体个人资料中,以展示您的新技能。你还可以终身学习这门课程。& nbsp非常欢迎您观看预习讲座和查看完整的课程设置。如果你正在寻找一门引人入胜的、视觉化的、实用的课程,那么你已经找到了。立即注册,练习您的问题解决技能,并展示您的新Python知识。& nbsp如果你对以下主题感兴趣,本课程将为你做好准备:Python游戏开发基础、Python面向对象编程、Python初学者编码、Python编程大师班、Python Mega课程、完整Python Bootcamp Python零到英雄、Python编码、Python初学者& nbsp我们将关注技术面试中最受欢迎和经常讨论的问题。您将为下一次面试做好准备,并且能够非常自信地讨论Python概念。再次欢迎,让我们来提升你的Python技能吧!
300+ Python Coding exercises, Interview questions, for Beginners Tutorial | Programming, Python Speedrun
What you’ll learn
Handle Python job interviews with ease.
Learn industry standards and Python tips and best practices.
Become a better developer by understanding the how’s and whys of Python programs.
Students will learn Python problem solving. Prepare for Python technical interviews.
No prior coding experience required. We’ll start from the very beginning.
Welcome to the “100 Days of Python” course. In this volume, we will learn Python in depth and tackle Python challenges.If you want to take your Python skills to the next level with intensive practice, then this course is for you. Apply your knowledge to solve more than 300 Python exercises and check your solutions with step-by-step video lectures with visual effects and diagrams.Solve Python Exercises to Advance Your Python KnowledgeSolve more than 300 exercises and improve your problem-solving and coding skills.Learn new Python tools such as built-in functions and modules.Apply your knowledge of Python to solve practical coding challenges.Understand how the code works line by line behind the scenes.Identify different ways to solve a problem and determine which one is more concise and efficient.Test your code with different values and inputs to verify its correctness.Gain practical and valuable coding skills. ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTORHello! My name is Ace. I am a passionate Software Developer, a lifelong student, and a Game Developer with 10+ years of experience. Through my boots on the ground workshops, I’ve taught over 1,000 people how to become professional Software Engineers.My expertise is in Python, C#, Unity 3D, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and other technologies.My goal is to make coding fun and accessible to everyone. That’s why my courses are interactive and have a clear structure. No previous experience is necessary for these courses. This course will help you gain knowledge, tips, tricks, and skills that will enhance your Python skills and prepare you for your next Python interview.So, are you ready? Let’s get started!TOPICS COVEREDPython Basics: Variables, Primitive data Types, loops, flow controlPython OOP: Classes, ObjectsPython Methods: Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Parameters, Method overloadingPython Type casting: Type conversion, Conversion methodsPython Constructors: Constructor overloading, Object initializer syntax Python Inheritance: base keyword, Method overriding Python Generics: Generic classes, Generic methods Python Arrays: Creating arrays, Arrays with for each loop, Array of objectsAnd much more!Improve your Python Skills and Gain Valuable Practical ExperiencePython is currently the most popular programming language, and its popularity continues to rise every year. It is used for real-world applications in diverse areas such as Web Development, Data Science and many more. Learning Python is your next step into the powerful world of computer science. Through practice, you can improve your coding and problem-solving skills. You will also learn new tools that you can use in Python.Your knowledge of Python will be extremely helpful in any field, including:Web Development Data ScienceArtificial IntelligenceGame DevelopmentMobile App Development Medical SoftwareComputer Visionand… many more!Coding skills are essential to succeeding in the world of the future. Therefore, if you are thinking about entering any of these fields or if you are planning to expand your computer science skills, then this course is for you.The concepts and techniques that you will learn in this course are easily transferable to other programming languages like Java, JavaScript, and many more because you will practice how to analyze and solve problems using code.GOALSBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Analyze a problem step by step and develop a solution in Python .Solve a problem in Python using different approaches.Use built-in Python functions and modules to solve a problem efficiently.Understand how the code works behind the scenes.Work with the main elements of Python : strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, conditionals, loops, recursion, files, and more..Test your code with various inputs and values to verify its correctness.LEARNING MATERIALSCoding Challenges: 200+ coding challenges with detailed descriptions and hints to guide you through this journey.Exercises Divided by Levels of Difficulty: the exercises are divided into levels, so you can start working on them according to your skill level and then solve more advanced exercises as you practice. Visual Effects: You will learn how to solve these exercises with carefully designed visual effects, animations, and diagrams.Test Cases: each coding challenge has test cases to help you test if your solution is correct. Each problem can be solved in multiple ways, so these test cases will help you confirm if your solution is correct. CODING CHALLENGESPython StringsPython Lists and TuplesPython DictionariesPython ConditionalsPython LoopsPython RecursionPython FilesPython Miscellaneous and More Challenging ExercisesMost exercises combine different elements from these topics, but the exercises are grouped by their most relevant category.What makes this course unique? This course is unique because of its emphasis on providing visual and detailed explanations of how the solutions work behind the scenes, so you will not only learn how to implement them in Python but also understand the purpose of each line of code.Check your solutions with detailed video lectures and run the code on your device.You will receive a certificate of completion that you can add to your social media profiles to showcase your new skills.You will also have lifetime access to the course. You are very welcome to watch the preview lectures and check out the full course curriculum.If you are looking for an engaging, visual, and practical course, then you have found it.Enroll now, practice your problem-solving skills, and showcase your new Python knowledge. If you are interested in the following topics, this course will prepare you for them:Python Game Development Fundamentals, Python Object-Oriented Programming, Python Coding for Beginners, Python Programming Masterclass, Python Mega Course, Complete Python Bootcamp Python zero to hero, Python coding, Python for beginners, We will look at the most popular and often discussed questions during technical interviews. You will be prepared for your next interview, and you will be able to discuss Python concepts with great confidence. Again, welcome, and let’s level up your Python skills!
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