Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Generative AI, Fake News,,+更多搜索引擎优化,互联网营销和社会工程!使用DeepFakes master释放您的创作潜力锁定deep fakes的迷人力量,踏上现实与想象交织的开创性旅程。深入语音克隆、无缝视频操作和令人惊叹的动作转换的世界。欢迎来到我们全面的DeepFakes大师课程,在这里你将获得将你最狂野的想象变成现实的技能。为什么DeepFakes精通?想象一下,有能力创造令人瞠目结舌的视频,挑战现实的极限。Deepfakes & Voice Cloning: Machine Learning The Easy Way

随着DeepFakes的掌握,你将获得一个尖端技术的武器库,使你能够做到:1。声音克隆:赋予你的思想以生命体验声音克隆的非凡力量,因为你可以无缝地模仿任何你想要的声音。无论是克隆你自己的声音,还是将标志性的声音带入生活,我们的课程都将引导你了解这项迷人技术的复杂性。控制叙事,为动画注入活力,并精心制作令人难忘的故事。2 .视频画外音操纵:通过将语音与视频相结合,根据您的意愿塑造现实,释放您的创造力,让屏幕上的人看起来好像在说完全不同的事情。在我们的专家指导下,您将掌握操纵视频画外音的艺术,确保音频和视觉之间的完美同步。制作引人入胜的叙事,传递有影响力的信息,或创建吸引观众的娱乐内容。3 .动作转移:重新定义可能性当您将一个视频的动作与另一个人的图像相融合时,重新想象动作的限制。我们的课程让你有能力进行令人惊叹的动作转换,在各种视觉元素之间建立无缝连接。展示您在电影制作中的独创性,为虚拟角色注入活力,或将您的视频叙事提升到新的高度。是什么让我们的课程与众不同?1.全面的学习结构我们的课程精心设计,以满足初学者和经验丰富的专业人士。从基础开始,我们将指导您完成每个步骤,确保您对DeepFakes概念有一个坚实的理解。随着您的进步,您将探索先进的技术,磨砺您的专业知识,并掌握这项突破性的技术。2 .动手实践练习理论本身无法释放您的创造潜力。这就是为什么我们的课程侧重于实践,动手练习,让你在现实世界中应用你的知识。参与身临其境的项目,应对挑战,并将理论概念转化为切实的成果。当你正面处理每个练习时,你将见证你的技能呈指数级增长。3 .来自行业资深人士的专家指导向该领域的佼佼者学习。我们的课程由在DeepFakes技术方面拥有多年经验的行业资深人士精心设计和讲授。从他们的智慧、内部技巧和屡试不爽的方法中获益。他们将指导你了解DeepFakes的复杂性,确保你打下坚实的基础并释放你的创造潜力。4 .支持社区加入一个由志同道合的人组成的充满活力的社区,他们分享你对DeepFakes的热情。协作、交流想法,并从其他学习者和专业人士那里寻求灵感。我们的包容性社区将随时支持您的每一步,提供反馈、鼓励和展示您非凡创造的平台。5 .终身学习通过我们的课程,您的学习之旅永无止境。终身访问课程材料,了解DeepFakes的最新进展,确保您始终处于这一革命性领域的前沿。今天就释放你的创造力!不要错过这个利用DeepFakes迷人力量的绝佳机会。今天就加入我们的DeepFakes大师课程,开始一场现实与想象相遇的变革之旅。发现掌握DeepFakes的秘密,革新您的讲故事、娱乐和创作活动。收获:深入了解声音克隆技术,让任何声音栩栩如生,为角色创造、配音和动画讲故事打开一个可能性的世界

无缝操作视频画外音的能力,使您能够改变对话,创造模仿,或传达精确和有影响力的信息。精通动作转换,让您将一个视频的动作与另一个人的图像融合在一起,让您能够创建迷人的视觉效果和迷人的叙事。谁可以受益:电影制作人和视频内容创作者:增强您讲故事的能力,创造令人难忘的角色,并产生令人惊叹的视觉效果,吸引您的观众。画外音艺术家:通过掌握声音克隆技术扩展您的曲目,为配音、角色画外音和旁白开辟新的机会。社交媒体影响者:通过引人入胜的独特内容脱颖而出,利用DeepFakes创建娱乐视频并迅速传播。广告和营销专业人士:拓展创意的边界,策划引人注目和令人难忘的活动,留下持久的影响。动画和游戏爱好者:通过逼真的画外音和无缝融合的动作,将虚拟角色带入生活,让您的创作更上一层楼。您的旅程现在就开始了:注册DeepFakes Mastery:立即注册并立即访问我们全面的课程材料,包括分步教程、实践练习和专家指导。掌握基本原理:通过学习DeepFakes技术的核心原理建立一个强大的基础,确保您对所涉及的概念和技术有坚实的理解。动手项目:投入到旨在挑战和激励你的沉浸式练习中。将您的知识应用到真实世界的场景中,并见证您的技能随着每个项目而发展。高级技术:探索DeepFakes的尖端技术和高级应用,将您的创作提升到新的高度,并推动可能性的边界。加入社区:与其他学习者联系,分享您的进步,并在令人兴奋的项目上进行合作。我们的支持社区将在那里激励、鼓励和提供有价值的反馈。终身访问:终身访问课程材料,确保您可以在需要时随时重温和巩固您的知识。今天就释放你的创造潜力:不要让现实的局限限制了你的想象力。拥抱DeepFakes的力量,踏上变革之旅,成为数字领域的主人。现在就报名参加DeepFakes Mastery,解开秘密,创建令人惊叹的视频,留下持久的印象。开始用你的创造力塑造现实,重新定义视觉叙事艺术。可能性是无限的!建议的先决条件:熟练使用计算机和谷歌实验室。

MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz 语言:英语 |时长:2小时 28分钟






















第16讲在家用电脑上安装NVIDIA GPU加速的深度学习库


Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Generative AI, Fake News, +More for SEO, Internet Marketing, & Social Engineering!

What you’ll learn
Learn how to change lips / mouth movements for foreign film dubs
Voice cloning
TTS (text-to-speech)
Generate talking head videos with AI (artificial intelligence)
Make anyone say whatever you want
Change what someone says in a video
Convert an image of a person into a moving video (motion copying)

Be comfortable with using a computer and Google Colab

Unleash Your Creative Potential with DeepFakes MasteryUnlock the captivating power of DeepFakes and embark on a groundbreaking journey where reality and imagination intertwine. Dive into the world of voice cloning, seamless video manipulation, and awe-inspiring motion transfer. Welcome to our comprehensive DeepFakes Mastery course, where you’ll acquire the skills to bring your wildest visions to life.Why DeepFakes Mastery?Imagine having the ability to create jaw-dropping videos that defy the limits of reality. With DeepFakes Mastery, you’ll gain an arsenal of cutting-edge techniques that enable you to do:1. Voice Cloning: Give Life to Your Thoughts Experience the extraordinary power of voice cloning as you seamlessly mimic any voice you desire. Whether it’s cloning your own voice or bringing iconic voices to life, our course will guide you through the intricacies of this mesmerizing technology. Take control of narratives, breathe life into animations, and craft unforgettable stories.2. Video Voiceover Manipulation: Shape Reality to Your Will Unleash your creativity by combining voices with videos, making it appear as though the person on screen is saying something entirely different. With our expert guidance, you’ll master the art of manipulating video voiceovers, ensuring the perfect synchronization between audio and visuals. Craft compelling narratives, deliver impactful messages, or create entertaining content that captivates your audience.3. Motion Transfer: Redefine Possibilities Reimagine the limits of motion as you blend the movements from one video with an image of someone else. Our course empowers you with the skills to perform awe-inspiring motion transfers, forging seamless connections between various visual elements. Showcase your ingenuity in film production, breathe life into virtual characters, or elevate your video storytelling to new heights.What Sets Our Course Apart?1. Comprehensive Learning Structure Our course is meticulously designed to cater to both beginners and seasoned professionals. Starting with the fundamentals, we’ll guide you through each step, ensuring a solid understanding of DeepFakes concepts. As you progress, you’ll explore advanced techniques, sharpening your expertise and gaining mastery over this groundbreaking technology.2. Hands-On Practical Exercises Theory alone cannot unleash your creative potential. That’s why our course focuses on practical, hands-on exercises, allowing you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. Engage in immersive projects, tackle challenges, and transform theoretical concepts into tangible results. You’ll witness your skills grow exponentially as you tackle each exercise head-on.3. Expert Instruction from Industry Veterans Learn from the best in the field. Our course is crafted and delivered by industry veterans, armed with years of experience in DeepFakes technology. Benefit from their wisdom, insider tips, and tried-and-true methods. They’ll guide you through the complexities of DeepFakes, ensuring you develop a strong foundation and unleash your creative potential.4. Supportive Community Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for DeepFakes. Collaborate, exchange ideas, and seek inspiration from fellow learners and professionals. Our inclusive community will be there to support you every step of the way, providing feedback, encouragement, and a platform to showcase your remarkable creations.5. Lifetime Access With our course, your learning journey never ends. Gain lifetime access to the course materials and stay updated with the latest advancements in DeepFakes, ensuring you remain at the cutting edge of this revolutionary field.Unleash Your Creativity Today!Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to harness the captivating power of DeepFakes. Join our DeepFakes Mastery course today and embark on a transformative journey where reality meets imagination. Discover the secrets of DeepFakes Mastery and revolutionize your storytelling, entertainment, and creative endeavors.What You’ll Gain:In-depth knowledge of voice cloning techniques to bring any voice to life, opening up a world of possibilities for character creation, dubbing, and animated storytelling.The ability to seamlessly manipulate video voiceovers, enabling you to alter the dialogue, create parodies, or convey messages with precision and impact.Proficiency in motion transfer, allowing you to blend the movements of one video with an image of someone else, empowering you to create mesmerizing visual effects and captivating narratives.Who Can Benefit:Filmmakers and Video Content Creators: Enhance your storytelling capabilities, create unforgettable characters, and produce stunning visual effects that captivate your audience.Voiceover Artists: Expand your repertoire by mastering voice cloning techniques, opening up new opportunities for dubbing, character voiceovers, and narration.Social Media Influencers: Stand out from the crowd with engaging and unique content, leveraging DeepFakes to create entertaining videos that go viral.Advertising and Marketing Professionals: Push the boundaries of creativity, crafting compelling and memorable campaigns that leave a lasting impact.Animation and Gaming Enthusiasts: Bring virtual characters to life with realistic voiceovers and seamlessly blended motions, taking your creations to the next level.Your Journey Starts Now:Enroll in DeepFakes Mastery: Sign up today and gain instant access to our comprehensive course materials, including step-by-step tutorials, practical exercises, and expert guidance.Master the Fundamentals: Build a strong foundation by learning the core principles of DeepFakes technology, ensuring you have a solid understanding of the concepts and techniques involved.Hands-On Projects: Dive into immersive exercises designed to challenge and inspire you. Apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios and witness your skills evolve with each project.Advanced Techniques: Explore cutting-edge techniques and advanced applications of DeepFakes, elevating your creations to new heights and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.Join the Community: Connect with fellow learners, share your progress, and collaborate on exciting projects. Our supportive community will be there to inspire, encourage, and provide valuable feedback.Lifetime Access: Enjoy lifetime access to the course materials, ensuring you can revisit and reinforce your knowledge whenever you need.Unleash Your Creative Potential Today:Don’t let the limitations of reality confine your imagination. Embrace the power of DeepFakes and embark on a transformative journey where you become the master of your digital domain. Enroll in DeepFakes Mastery now and unlock the secrets to creating awe-inspiring videos that leave a lasting impression. Start shaping reality with your creativity and redefine the art of visual storytelling. The possibilities are limitless!Suggested Prerequisites:Proficiency with using a computer and Google Colab.

Section 1: Introduction and Outline

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Project Scope

Lecture 3 Outline and Workflow

Lecture 4 Course Resources

Section 2: Voice Cloning

Lecture 5 Tortoise-TTS

Lecture 6 Installing Tortoise-TTS

Lecture 7 Descript

Section 3: Video DeepFakes

Lecture 8 Wav2Lip

Lecture 9 Synthesia

Lecture 10 Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model (pt 1)

Lecture 11 Thin-Plate Spline Motion Model (pt 2)

Lecture 12 Useful FFmpeg Commands

Section 4: Environment Setup Guidelines

Lecture 13 Pre-Installation Check

Lecture 14 Environment Setup: Install Python With Anaconda

Lecture 15 Environment Setup: Install Python Without Anaconda (not recommended)

Lecture 16 Installing NVIDIA GPU-Accelerated Deep Learning Libraries on your Home Computer

Filmmakers and Video Content Creators,Voiceover Artists,Social Media Influencers,Advertising and Marketing Professionals,Animation and Gaming Enthusiasts,Anyone interested in Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence

