通过这个全面的课程,学习用于Web自动化测试和API测试的剧作家和pytest,Playwright是一个现代,快速和可靠的浏览器自动化工具,由微软提供,支持跨所有现代浏览器的测试和自动化,包括chromium,firefox和webkit。Pytest是一个流行的Python测试框架,它提供了一种简单灵活的方式来编写和运行测试。在本课程中,您将学习如何使用Pytest-剧作家插件将剧作家功能融入Pytest框架。这个课程是为初学者设计的!如果你对网络自动化一无所知,那也没关系!我们将涵盖所有的剧作家和web自动化的基本要素,一步一步-不同的方法来定位Web元素,如角色,文本,css选择器,xpath等。对web元素执行操作,如点击、填写表单、自动等待、页面导航、下载等事件。作为奖励,我们将开发一个脚本来自动检查收件箱中的新邮件并报告给他们,即自动邮件检查!学完web自动化,我们就从测试开始。同样,如果你是自动化测试或测试的新手也没关系!您将从编写一个基本测试转向部署自动化测试——使用pytest剧作家pytest pluginPlaywright工具(如trace viewer、codegen等)进行测试的基础。使用expect()的Web优先断言解决了现代测试问题,包括UI测试PlaygroundPlaywright fixtures、使用测试挂钩的自定义设置/拆卸等等。实施页面对象模型(POM)处理网络事件重新测试API测试、身份验证和API请求上下文优化技术,如并行部署自动化测试以使用预定义的测试数据参数化测试使用python行为进行行为驱动的开发等等…Playwright Python And Pytest For Web Automation Testing
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语|大小:3.68 GB |时长:10小时
使用pytest来编写和运行测试用例,并定义定制的pytest fixtures来共享测试状态/数据
使用Github CI部署自动化测试
使用剧作家和python behave实践行为驱动开发(BDD)
Learn Playwright and pytest for Web Automation Testing & API Testing with this Comprehensive Course
What you’ll learn
Write python scripts to launch browsers and automate tasks performed usually on websites
Locate web elements using various methods like element role, inner text, form label or placeholder, CSS selectors, and XPath
Perform actions on web elements like hover, click, fill form, select option, upload files, and use keyboard shortcuts
Handle events like auto-waiting, custom waiting for an element to load, page navigations, requests, and downloads
Log in to websites and authenticate yourself using your account like Google accounts
Write a script to automate inbox mail checking for new emails and report the same
Use pytest to write and run test cases and define custom pytest fixtures to share test state/data
Utilize playwright tools like taking screenshots, recording videos, trace viewer, and auto code generator
Apply best practices like web-first assertions, Page Object Models (POM), request interceptions and Parallelism
Test API endpoints, define custom API request context, handle API responses, and mock API custom data
Deploy automated tests using Github CI
Practice Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) with playwright and python behave
Playwright is a modern, fast and reliable browser automation tool from Microsoft that enables testing and automation across all modern browsers including chromium, firefox and webkit. Pytest is a popular Python testing framework that offers a simple and flexible way to write and run tests. In this course, you will learn how to blend Playwright capabilities into the Pytest framework with the use of pytest-playwright plugin.This course is designed for beginners in mind! It’s alright if you don’t anything about web automation! We will cover all the basics of Playwright and Web Automation Essentials, step by step -Different method to locate web elements like role, text, css selectors, xpath, etc.Perform actions on web elements like clicking, filling forms, Events like Auto-waiting, page navigation, downloads, etc.Authentication with your google accountAs a bonus, we will develop a script to automatically check for new emails in our inbox and report them back i.e. automated mail checking!After learning web automation, we will start with testing. Again, it’s alright if you’re new to automation testing or testing at all! You’ll go from writing a basic test to deploying automated tests -Basics of testing with pytestPlaywright pytest pluginPlaywright Tools like trace viewer, codegen, etc.Web-first assertions using expect( )Solve modern testing problems with UI Testing PlaygroundPlaywright fixtures, custom setup/teardown using test hooks, , etc.Implement Page Object Model (POM)Handle network eventsREST API Testing, authentication and API request contextOptimizations techniques like ParallelismDeploy automated tests to CIParameterize tests with predefined test dataBehaviour Driven Development with python behaveand more…By the end of the course, you will be able to write automated tests and perform fast, reliable, and capable testing and automation using Playwright and Pytest.
Section 1: Getting Started
Lecture 1 Installation
Lecture 2 Playwright Website
Lecture 3 Launch Browser
Lecture 4 Click Link
Lecture 5 Overview
Section 2: Locators
Lecture 6 Playwright in Python REPL
Lecture 7 Role Locator
Lecture 8 Input Field Locator
Lecture 9 Inner Text Locator
Lecture 10 Alt Text Locator
Lecture 11 Title Locator
Lecture 12 CSS Selectors
Lecture 13 CSS Selectors – Hierarchy
Lecture 14 CSS Selectors – Pseudo Classes
Lecture 15 XPath Locators
Lecture 16 XPath Functions
Lecture 17 Other Locators
Section 3: Actions
Lecture 18 Mouse Actions
Lecture 19 Fill Input Fields
Lecture 20 Radios, Checkboxes and Switches
Lecture 21 Select Option From Option Menu
Lecture 22 Dropdown Menu
Lecture 23 Upload Files
Lecture 24 Keyboard Shortcuts
Section 4: Events
Lecture 25 Auto Waiting
Lecture 26 Page Navigation Events
Lecture 27 Custom Waiting
Lecture 28 Event Listeners
Lecture 29 Handling Dialogs
Lecture 30 Download Files
Lecture 31 What Is Sync and Async?
Lecture 32 Async Playwright
Section 5: Authentication
Lecture 33 Log In With Google Account
Lecture 34 Save Authentication State
Lecture 35 Reuse Authentication State
Section 6: Automated Mail Checker
Lecture 36 Automatic Mail Checker
Lecture 37 Project Setup
Lecture 38 Locate New Emails
Lecture 39 Locate Email Data
Lecture 40 Combine Locators
Lecture 41 Email Check From Terminal
Section 7: pytest
Lecture 42 Testing with pytest
Lecture 43 Writing Test
Lecture 44 Running Test
Lecture 45 Type Hinting
Lecture 46 Test State Example
Lecture 47 Create pytest Fixture
Lecture 48 Using Fixture In Test Cases
Lecture 49 Fixture Scope
Section 8: pytest-playwright Plugin
Lecture 50 Install pytest-playwright plugin
Lecture 51 Writing Test with Playwright
Lecture 52 Running Test
Lecture 53 Pytest Config File
Lecture 54 Test Hook
Section 9: Playwright Tools
Lecture 55 Take Screenshot
Lecture 56 Record Video
Lecture 57 Trace Generator and Viewer
Lecture 58 Playwright Codegen
Section 10: Web-First Assertions
Lecture 59 Page Assertions
Lecture 60 Element State Assertions
Lecture 61 Inner Text Assertions
Lecture 62 Attribute Assertions
Lecture 63 Input Field Assertions
Lecture 64 Checkbox Assertions
Lecture 65 Option Menu Assertions
Section 11: UI Testing Playground
Lecture 66 Dynamic Id
Lecture 67 Class Attribute
Lecture 68 Hidden Layer
Lecture 69 Load Delay
Lecture 70 Ajax Request
Lecture 71 Click Action
Lecture 72 Input Fields
Lecture 73 Scrollbars
Lecture 74 Dynamic Table
Lecture 75 Verify Text
Lecture 76 Progressbar
Lecture 77 Element Visibility
Lecture 78 App Login
Lecture 79 Mouse Hover
Lecture 80 Non Breaking Space Character
Lecture 81 Overlapped Elements
Section 12: Playwright Fixtures
Lecture 82 Function Scope Fixtures
Lecture 83 Session Scope Fixtures
Lecture 84 Browser Selection Markers
Lecture 85 Browser Launch And Context Arguments
Section 13: Page Object Model (POM)
Lecture 86 What Is Page Object Model
Lecture 87 POM Implementation
Lecture 88 POM Usage
Lecture 89 POM Example
Lecture 90 POM Example Usage
Section 14: Network Events
Lecture 91 Network Events
Lecture 92 Handle Requests
Lecture 93 Modify Response
Section 15: API Testing
Lecture 94 Making an API Call
Lecture 95 API Request Context
Lecture 96 API Query String
Lecture 97 CRUD Operations
Lecture 98 Mock API with Custom Data
Section 16: Optimization
Lecture 99 Intercept Resource Requests
Lecture 100 Disabling Javascript
Lecture 101 Parallelism – Run Tests In Parallel
Section 17: Tips and Tricks
Lecture 102 pytest CLI Arguments
Lecture 103 Python Debugger
Lecture 104 Device Emulation
Lecture 105 Evaluate Javascript
Section 18: Github API
Lecture 106 Introduction
Lecture 107 Project Setup
Lecture 108 Github Token
Lecture 109 Authorized API Context
Lecture 110 Writing Test
Lecture 111 Running Test
Section 19: Continuous Integration (CI)
Lecture 112 Introduction
Lecture 113 Setup Repository
Lecture 114 Writing Test
Lecture 115 Github Action
Lecture 116 Running Automated Tests
Section 20: Data Driven Testing
Lecture 117 What Is Data Driven Testing?
Lecture 118 Pytest Paramertrize
Lecture 119 Running Test
Section 21: Behaviour Driven Development
Lecture 120 What Is Behaviour Driven Development?
Lecture 121 Project Setup
Lecture 122 Define Feature
Lecture 123 Implement Steps
Lecture 124 Running Tests with Behave
Beginner python developers who wish to learn web automation testing,Automation testers who wish to learn about Playwright
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