Lumion 逼真渲染课程旨在提高您使用功能强大的软件Lumion进行建筑可视化的技能。在初学者课程中获得的基础知识的基础上,这种高级培训将带您踏上身临其境的旅程,以释放Lumion的全部潜力并创建令人惊叹的建筑项目可视化效果。
在整个课程中,您将深入了解 Lumion 的高级功能和技术,使您能够制作出令人惊叹、逼真的渲染图,吸引客户和利益相关者。从创建错综复杂的景观到整合复杂的照明场景和微调材料,Lumion realistic render course
高级照明和全局照明:探索 Lumion 中照明的复杂性,包括全局照明技术、灯光烘焙和高级照明设置,以实现逼真和戏剧性的照明效果,让您的场景栩栩如生。
高级材质编辑:掌握 Lumion 中材质创建和定制的艺术。探索庞大的材料和纹理库,学习如何微调和创建您自己的材料以准确表示各种表面,例如玻璃、金属、木材等。
真实感渲染技术:揭示在 Lumion 中实现逼真效果的秘密。探索高级渲染设置、图像效果和后处理技术,为您的可视化添加深度、真实感和氛围。
项目工作流程优化:利用 Lumion 的高级功能(例如场景管理、对象库组织和协作功能)简化您的工作流程。学习节省时间的技术和技巧,以优化您的生产力并提高您作为 Lumion 用户的效率。
课程时长:3小时14分钟 包含项目文件 1280X720 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站 机译)
What you’ll learn
Advanced Landscape Creation
Advanced Lighting and Global Illumination
Advanced Material Editing
Photorealistic Rendering Techniques
Lumion realistic render course is designed to elevate your skills in architectural visualization using the powerful software, Lumion. Building upon the foundational knowledge gained in the beginner’s course, this advanced-level training takes you on an immersive journey to unlock the full potential of Lumion and create breathtaking visualizations of architectural projects.
Throughout this course, you will dive deep into the advanced features and techniques of Lumion, enabling you to produce stunning, realistic renderings that captivate clients and stakeholders. From creating intricate landscapes to integrating complex lighting scenarios and fine-tuning materials, this course covers it all.
Key Topics Covered:
Advanced Landscape Creation: Learn to design and sculpt realistic terrains, add vegetation, water bodies, and other natural elements to create immersive outdoor environments that enhance your architectural visualizations.
Advanced Lighting and Global Illumination: Discover the intricacies of lighting in Lumion, including global illumination techniques, light baking, and advanced lighting setups to achieve realistic and dramatic lighting effects that bring your scenes to life.
Advanced Material Editing: Master the art of material creation and customization in Lumion. Explore the vast library of materials and textures, and learn how to fine-tune and create your own materials to accurately represent various surfaces, such as glass, metal, wood, and more.
Photorealistic Rendering Techniques: Uncover the secrets to achieving photorealistic results in Lumion. Explore advanced rendering settings, image effects, and post-processing techniques to add depth, realism, and atmosphere to your visualizations.
Advanced Animation and Camera Techniques: Take your architectural presentations to the next level by learning advanced animation techniques and camera movements. Discover how to create dynamic walkthroughs, flyovers, and cinematic sequences that engage viewers and showcase your designs effectively.
Project Workflow Optimization: Streamline your workflow by leveraging Lumion’s advanced features, such as scene management, object library organization, and collaborative functionalities. Learn time-saving techniques and tips to optimize your productivity and enhance your efficiency as a Lumion user.
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