在这个初级到中级的课程中,Rodrigo Brea 分享了构建风格化的环境的各种专业技术和方法。这个5小时的指南 涵盖的主题包括如何分析概念和创建细分;如何在UE5中设置基本场景;创建各种资产的不同方式,从草/树叶/树木到英雄作品;以及如何纹理化和创建可重复使用的Substance智能材质。
Rodrigo 使用了一些关键的软件选择,包括 Unreal Engine 5、Blender、ZBrush、Substance Painter、Photoshop、TreeIt 和 Autodesk FBX Converter。使用这些工具,他提供了业内人士的视角来处理和接近为专业游戏创建程式化资产。
您将看到最终场景是如何设置的,并了解 Rodrigo 的照明方法,以及他用来渲染美图和演示视频的一些简单方法。所教授的技术不仅有助于根据概念创建场景,而且还适用于您可能想要创建的任何风格化环境。
通过完成本课程,您将更好地了解专业游戏美术师用于创建程式化环境的工作流程,并且您将了解解决问题和获得不同结果的各种方法。The Gnomon Workshop – Stylized Environment Creation for Games
本次视频教程附带两个可下载的文件夹;一个包括 Rodrigo 完成的UE5项目及其所有资产;第二个文件夹提供 Rodrigo在本次课程中使用的各种软件包的工作文件。
课程时长:5小时8分钟 包含项目文件 1920X1080 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站 机译)
Unreal Blender ZBrush Substance Painter Photoshop TreeIt
01 概念分析
02 收集参考资料
03 设置项目
04 参考网格
05 创建草地
06 完成草坪
07 使用Treeit
08 完成树
09 从 Megascans 到程式化
10 对巨石增加伤害
11 雕刻巨石和岩石
12 创建苔藓补丁
13 纹理化和创建智能材质
14 最终场景和渲染
In this beginner-to-intermediate-level workshop, Rodrigo Brea shares various professional techniques and approaches for building stylized environments. This 5-hour guide covers topics including how to analyze a concept and create a breakdown; how to set up a basic scene in Unreal 5; different ways to create a variety of assets, from grass/foliage/trees to a hero piece; as well as how to texture and create a reusable Substance Smart Material.
Rodrigo utilizes a few key software choices, including Unreal Engine 5, Blender, ZBrush, Substance Painter, Photoshop, TreeIt, and Autodesk FBX Converter. Using these tools, he offers an industry-insider’s perspective to tackling and approaching the creation of stylized assets for professional games.
You’ll see how the final scene is set up, and learn Rodrigo’s approach for lighting, as well as a few simple methods he uses to render out beauty shots and a video for presentation. The techniques taught will be not only helpful for creating a scene from a concept, but will also be applicable to any stylized environment you may want to create.
By completing this workshop, you’ll have a better understanding of the workflow professional game artists use for creating stylized environments, and you will know a variety of ways to problem solve and approach different results.
Accompanying this workshop are two downloadable folders; one includes Rodrigo’s completed Unreal 5 Project including all its assets; a second folder offers Rodrigo’s working files from the various software packages utilized in this workshop.
Stylized Environment Creation for Games with Rodrigo Brea
Unreal Blender ZBrush Substance Painter Photoshop TreeIt
01 Analazying the concept
02 Gathering References
03 Setting up the project
04 Reference Meshes
05 Creating Grass Patches
06 Finilizing The Grass
07 Using Treeit
08 Finilizing The Tree
09 From Megascans to Stylized
10 Adding Damage to Monolith
11 Sculpting Monolith and Rock
12 Creating Moss Patches
13 Texturing And Create Smart Material
14 Final Scene And Rendering
2、资源默认为百度网盘链接,请用浏览器打开输入提取码不要有多余空格,如无法获取 请联系微信 yunqiaonet 补发。
3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
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