Chaos发布了renderer的最新版本Rhino Update 1.1的V-Ray 6。该更新扩展了恩梅斯到V射线桥,并添加了对V射线贴花中的圆柱投影的支持,以及对使用V射线的裁剪器对象在V射线GPU中渲染剖面图像的支持。

新版本与SketchUp Update 1的V-Ray 6一起发布,后者具有类似的新功能。


在Rhino的V-Ray 6中增加了对Enscape桥和程序云系统的更新
此次更新扩展了去年犀牛版V-Ray 6中引入的几个新功能,特别是从Enscape到V-Ray的新桥梁。该桥可以将场景从Enscape传输到V-Ray,以获得最终质量的渲染,Enscape是一种实时渲染器,其开发者Chaos于去年合并。为此,Update 1增加了将“Enscape的一些视觉设置”转移到V-Ray的选项,包括阳光、天空和相机曝光参数,以帮助匹配渲染的外观。该桥现在还支持链接模型和上月在Enscape 3.5中引入的新的可定制库存资产。还有许多性能改进和错误修复,包括对法线贴图问题的修复,该问题解决了渲染Enscape材质时的“许多视觉伪像”。Rhino的V-Ray 6中引入的程序云系统也已经更新,默认设置现在产生的云在视觉上类似于Enscape中的云。更新还增加了生成轨迹的新设置。

Chaos V-Ray 6 Update 1.1 (6.10.01) for Rhino | 886 mb


贴花投影系统V-Ray贴花支持弯曲功能,支持圆柱映射到曲面(如罐),还支持凹凸和置换映射。V射线帧缓冲区(VFB)支持镜头效果和降噪层的遮罩,以及对背景层的单独颜色变换。此外,混合渲染器V-Ray GPU现在支持裁剪器对象来渲染剖面图像。

V-Ray的SketchUp版本独有的更改包括在渲染动画时支持SketchUp截面平面过渡(仅在Windows上),以及对象和标签可见性状态。在核心软件之外,在线资产库Chaos Cosmos可用于所有V-Ray订阅,现在包括使用V-Ray新的Enmesh几何复制系统的资产。V-Ray for Rhino是一款3D渲染软件,它将实时和照片级渲染结合到一套完整的可视化工具中。从建筑到产品设计,这是您实现下一个设计项目所需的一切。

SketchUp的V-Ray 6和Rhino的V-Ray 6带来了强大的新工具,开启了设计开发和协作的新篇章。

产品名称:V-Ray 6
版本:为Rhino更新1.1 (6.10.01)
系统要求:Windows *

Chaos has released V-Ray 6 for Rhino Update 1.1, the latest version of the renderer. The update extends the Enmesh-to-V-Ray bridge, and adds support for cylindrical projection in V-Ray Decal, and for rendering cutaway images in V-Ray GPU using V’Ray’s Clipper object.

The new version was released alongside V-Ray 6 for SketchUp Update 1, which has similar new features.

This video shows how you can create and render cutaway animations while respecting object visibility.

Updates to the Enscape bridge and procedural clouds system added in V-Ray 6 for Rhino
The update extends several of the new features introduced in V-Ray 6 for Rhino last year, notably the new bridge from Enscape to V-Ray. The bridge makes it possible to transfer scenes from Enscape, the real-time renderer with whose developer Chaos merged last year, to V-Ray for final-quality rendering. To that, Update 1 adds the option to transfer “some of Enscape’s visual settings” to V-Ray, including Sunlight, Sky and Camera Exposure parameters, to help match the looks of renders. The bridge also now supports Linked Models and the new customisable stock assets introduced in Enscape 3.5 last month. There are also a number of performance improvements and bugfixes, including a fix for an issue with normal maps that resolves “many visual artifacts” when rendering Enscape materials. The procedural clouds system introduced in V-Ray 6 for Rhino has also been updated, with the default settings now resulting in clouds visually similar to those in Enscape. The update also adds new settings for generating contrails.

In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to add realistic stickers to curved objects and blend surface and decal bumps. Discover how to leverage the cylindrical projection and additive bump options within V-Ray Decal to achieve impressive results with ease.

Updates to V-Ray Decal, the VFB and V-Ray GPU
Decal projection system V-Ray Decal gets support for the Bend function, for cylindrical mapping onto curved surfaces like cans, plus support for bump and displacement mapping. The V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB) gets support for masking for Lens Effects and Denoiser layers, and for separate colour transformations to the Background layer. In addition, hybrid renderer V-Ray GPU now supports the Clipper object for rendering cutaway images.

Support for more native Rhino features, plus updates to Chaos Cosmos
Changes unique to the SketchUp edition of V-Ray include support for SketchUp section plane transitions (on Windows only) when rendering animations, along with object and tag visibility states. Outside the core software, online asset library Chaos Cosmos, available with all V-Ray subscriptions, now includes assets using V-Ray’s new Enmesh geometry replication system.V-Ray for Rhino is a 3D rendering software that combines real-time and photoreal rendering into one complete suite of visualization tools. From architecture to product design, it’s everything you need to bring your next design project to life.

V-Ray 6 for SketchUp and V-Ray 6 for Rhino come in with powerful, new tools and open a new chapter of design development and collaboration.
Chaos Czech a.s. is part of Chaos Group, and specializes in developing easy to use, powerful and affordable software for 3D computer graphics and visual effects. Our technology helps artists and designers create photoreal imagery and animation for design, television, and feature films. Corona Renderer is widely used in arch-viz, automotive and product design, and also features VFX capabilities.

Owner: Chaos Czech a.s.
Product Name: V-Ray 6
Version: Update 1.1 (6.10.01) for Rhino
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 914.0 mb

