探索光线实时跟踪的最复杂的3D制作场景。使用Chaos Vantage,没有耗时的转换。只需将完整的V-Ray场景拖放到Vantage中,然后开始探索。3ds Max中还有一个直接的实时链接,因此您可以像使用视口一样使用它。
文件大小:408 MB
Chaos Vantage旨在处理巨大的场景和数十亿个多边形。这是您实时查看最详细的V射线场景的最快方式。
通过完全光线跟踪和实时渲染,Chaos Vantage使用基于物理的相机,灯光,材质和全局照明来获得最真实的结果。
使用3ds Max中的实时链接获取场景的实时光线跟踪视图。您在3ds Max场景中所做的更改将立即出现在Chaos Vantage中。
Explore your most complex 3D production scenes ray traced in real-time. With Chaos Vantage, there are no time-consuming conversions. Simply drag and drop your complete V-Ray scene into Vantage and start exploring. There’s also a direct live link available from 3ds Max, so you can use it just like a viewport.
Zero setup
Drag and drop your V-Ray scene into Chaos Vantage and start exploring. Unlike other real-time solutions, there’s no geometry to optimize, UVs to unwrap, or lighting to bake.
Go big!
Chaos Vantage is built to handle huge scenes and billions of polygons. It’s the fastest way for you to see your most detailed V-Ray scenes in real-time.
Easy to navigate
Navigating your scene is easy. Use controls similar to your 3D app, or move around just like playing a game. Walk up stairs and avoid walking through walls with automatic collision detection.
100% ray-traced quality
With fully raytraced and real-time rendering, Chaos Vantage uses physically based cameras, lights, materials, and global illumination for the most realistic results.
Simple and fast animation
Perfect for previsualization, you can create, edit, and render animation right from Chaos Vantage. Easily animate between cameras, apply transitions, arrange your sequence in the Animation Editor.
Live link
Get a live raytraced view of your scene with a live link from 3ds Max. Changes you make in your 3ds Max scene will instantly appear in Chaos Vantage.
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