在3D空间中打开一个全新的2D绘图世界,Grease Pencil是Blender的独特绘图工具,让您在3D空间中绘制2D形状,这开启了一个全新的创意世界。本课程教你Grease Pencil的基础知识,以及如何只用免费工具创作出漂亮的2.5D艺术作品。尽管给出了许多更有创意的方式来讲述你的故事,但Grease Pencil是一个相当复杂的工具,很难让你完全理解。通过本课程,我们想给你一个愉快和放松的开始,并向你展示用它创造美丽艺术的许多方法之一。CGBoost – Master Grease Pencil in Blender

Blender 中的高级Grease Pencil

了解开始使用Grease Pencil的所有重要内容
63节课(4.5 小时以上的运行时间)2560X1440 mp4 大小解压后:2.52G 含课程文件 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)

我们推荐一些基本的blender知识来享受本课程,但是,不需要以前的Grease Pencil知识或绘图经验,因为我们从Grease Pencil基础开始。

导师:Kevin Ramirez

我是CG Boost和凯文的忠实粉丝,CG Boost发布凯文的油脂铅笔课程的消息是2022年最大的惊喜之一。我在2022年初购买了课程,然后是立方体世界和3D环境,并在2022年底完成了这支油脂铅笔。我从CG Boost中学到了很多,这个Grease Pencil课程也和其他课程一样精彩。非常感谢!


Kevin Ramirez
I love crafting stories and experiences through design. It started as a hobby and eventually led to my career in entertainment, where I worked for a number of years, primarily at Disney. Now, I’m focused on my own business and YouTube channel, where I learn other creative technologies and share that journey with others.

Grease Pencil is Blender’s unique drawing tool, that lets you draw 2D shapes in 3D space, which opens up a whole new creative universe.

This course teaches you the fundamentals of Grease Pencil, and how to create beautiful 2.5D art pieces, using only free tools.

Despite giving many more creative ways of telling your stories, Grease Pencil is quite a complex tool and can be hard to fully wrap your head around.

With this course, we want to give you an enjoyable and relaxing start into Grease Pencil, and show you one of many ways to create beautiful art with it.

