AutoCAD平台上的其他软件是Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical程序,顾名思义,它不局限于AutoCAD软件的常用功能,包括用于设计机械零部件的工具和附加工具。该软件提供了一个全面的组件库以及基于机械设计标准的完整工具。
Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical的特性和功能
-对3D CAD模型的新支持
x64 |语言:英语|文件大小:3 GB
操作系统:Microsoft Windows 10(仅限64位)(1803版或更高版本)
CPU:基本:2.5–2.9 GHz处理器/推荐:3+ GHz处理器多个处理器:受应用程序支持
RAM:基本:8 GB /推荐:16 GB
显示器分辨率:传统显示器:1920 x 1080,真彩色/高分辨率和4K显示器:Windows 10 64位系统支持高达3840 x 2160的分辨率(带显示卡)
磁盘空间:6.0 GB
Other software on the AutoCAD platform is the Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical program, which, as its name implies, is not limited to the usual features of AutoCAD software, including tools and additional tools for designing mechanical components. This software provides a comprehensive library of components as well as complete tools based on mechanical design standards.
Features and Features of Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical
-Designing and modeling of mechanical parts
-Creates the exact dimensions of the mechanical models intelligently
-Has a library of more than 700,000 standard parts and features with the ability to add custom parts to it
-Ability to update and align parts to the latest standards
-Synergy for mechanical engineering
-Ability to analyze the layout
-Getting ready to draft, document, annotate, report and share projects.
-Has a content browser section to quickly find the content you need
-New support for 3D CAD models
-Co-ordinates with other AutoCAD suite programs as well as current mechanical design software
System Requirements
OS:Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only) (version 1803 or higher)
CPU:Basic:2.5–2.9 GHz processor / Recommended:3+ GHz processorMultiple processors:Supported by the application
RAM:Basic:8 GB / Recommended:16 GB
Display Resolution:Conventional Displays:1920 x 1080 with True Color / High Resolution & 4K Displays:Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 supported on Windows 10, 64-bit systems (with capable display card)
Disk space:6.0 GB
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