在这堂课中,我们将使用Blender、Unreal Engine 5和Quixel Megascans来构建一个看起来很酷的运行在引擎中的科幻环境。跟随课程建立一个环境艺术工具包,这是一个可重复使用的模型集合,将作为构建块来填充Unreal中的3D场景。这堂课的环境主题是一个科幻低温监狱,囚犯们被储存在一排冷冻舱里。Sci-fi 3D Environment Art in UE5
该项目的主要步骤是:分析概念艺术,以确定哪些元素在整个环境中重复,并分解场景,以确定需要哪些套件来组合虚幻中的场景。从用于生成概念艺术的模型中提取geo。将它们分解成尽可能小的部分,以便在多次复制时工作良好。将更多细节建模到不同的套件中,以用作Unreal中的最终资源。将它们全部展开,为材料的正确展示做好准备。将套件带入虚幻,并为每个形状设置合适的碰撞。从Quixel Bridge库中下载一些Megascan材料,并将其应用于套件,根据需要调整UV缩放和偏移。将这些有纹理的套件打包到单独的Blueprints Actors中,以便于拖放访问。设置4面墙和一个天花板,创造一个黑暗封闭的空间。添加一些灯光,用我们的套件填充房间,目的是在视觉、情绪和照明方面与概念艺术相匹配。
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由Daniel Kim创造
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:1小时4分钟|大小:1.08 GB
从Quixel Bridge下载材质,走纹理捷径
Blender基础知识,UE5安装,Quixel Bridge插件,Epic游戏账号
Leverage Unreal Engine 5 for Fast and Efficient Game Scene Creation
What you’ll learn
Get comfortable working inside of the Unreal Engine 5 editor
Know what to look for when breaking down a piece of environment concept art
Assemble a scene by placing reusable kit pieces in UE5
Take texturing shortcut by downloading materials from Quixel Bridge
Basic knowledge of Blender, Unreal Engine 5 installation, Quixel Bridge plug-in, Epic Games account
3D Environment Art is the practice of combining various art assets into a scene to make a playable game space using a game engine.Making amazing looking environment art has never been easier thanks to Unreal Engine 5’s advanced lighting features that bring offline rendering quality to games.In this class, we’ll be using Blender, Unreal Engine 5, and Quixel Megascans to put together a cool looking sci-fi environment running in-engine.Follow along the class lessons to build out an environment art kit, a collection of reusable models that will serve as building blocks to fill out a 3D scene inside of Unreal.The theme for this class’s environment is a sci-fi cryostasis prison where inmates are stored and frozen inside of a row of pods.The major steps for the project are:Analyze the concept art to identify which elements are repeating throughout the environment and break down the scene for what kit pieces are needed to put together a scene in Unreal.Extract geo from the modeling used to generate the concept art. Break them down into the smallest piece possible that works well when duplicated multiple times.Model more detail into the different kit pieces to use as final assets in Unreal. UV unwrap them all to prepare them for proper display of materials.Bring the kit pieces into Unreal and set up collisions appropriate for each shape. Download a handful of Megascan materials from the Quixel Bridge library and apply them to the kit pieces, adjusting UV scaling and offset as necessary.Package these textured kit pieces into individual Blueprints Actors for easy drag and drop access.Set up 4 walls and a ceiling to create a dark and enclosed space. Add some lights and fill in the room with our kit pieces, aiming to match the concept art in terms of visuals, mood, and lighting.
Who this course is for
3D artists who want to try their hand at real-time environment art for games
Unreal Engine users who want to learn a fast and efficient way of putting sci-fi scenes together
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