你好!听起来您准备了一门激动人心的课程,使用虚幻引擎 5、Blender 和 Substance Painter 创建繁体中文房间环境。这些强大工具的组合将使学习者能够探索建模、纹理化以及使用照明和材料设置场景的过程。
借助近11 小时以上的内容以及音频评论,参与者可以获得全面的学习体验。包含所有相关文件,例如 .blend 文件、Unreal 项目文件、Substance 文件、参考图像和纹理,确保学习者拥有他们需要的一切来遵循和练习课程中教授的技术。
通过涵盖从 Blender 中建模到 Substance Painter 中纹理化以及最终在虚幻引擎 5 中设置场景、照明和材料的整个过程,学习者将全面了解创建繁体中文房间环境。
我希望您的课程取得圆满成功,并为所有参与者提供宝贵的知识和技能!Creating a Traditional Chinese Room Environment in Unreal Engine 5 by Aniket Rawat
本课程似乎是使用 Blender、Substance Painter 和UE5创建繁体中文房间环境的综合实践学习体验。课程涵盖了整个过程,提供超过 11 小时的内容和音频评论。
该课程首先收集参考图像并在 Pure Ref 中组织它们,以确定场景的基调和想法。然后,它转向 Blender 对主要资产(如写字台、椅子、架子和其他道具)进行建模。Blender 完全涵盖了建模过程。
建模之后,课程包括 UV 展开和将资产导出到 Substance Painter 进行纹理化。参与者将学习使用 Substance Painter 的功能(如智能蒙版、生成器和智能材料)创建高质量和逼真的材料。
接下来,将模型和纹理导入到虚幻引擎中,在虚幻引擎中进行场景设置。光照是一个关键方面,课程探索了虚幻引擎的新功能,包括 Lumen,以实现逼真的光照并创造所需的情绪和氛围。后处理体积的使用进一步增强了场景的视觉效果。
该课程还包括创建额外的小道具,如花瓶、灯和茶壶,以增加环境的更多细节。最后,结合了 Quixel Megascans 的道具,并设置了不同的相机角度来捕捉高分辨率的屏幕截图。
对于任何有兴趣使用 Blender、Substance Painter 和 Unreal Engine 5 创建逼真的环境的人来说,这听起来像是一个令人兴奋的综合学习机会。祝你的课程好运!
由Aniket Rawat创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|时长:10小时54分钟|大小:15.1 GB 含课程文件
01. 课程简介
2. 资产建模
02. 设置参考图像
03. 创建写字台 – 第 1 部分
04. 创建写字台 – 第 2 部分
05. 创建写字台 – 第 3 部分
06. 创建椅子
07. 固定椅子
08. 创建窗户部分– 1
09. 创建窗户部分 – 2
10. 创建小架子
11. 创建大架子
12. 创建四折屏风
13. 设置房间
14. 创建小桌椅
15. 房间细节
3. 对资产进行纹理化
16. UV 展开桌子和椅子
17. 对桌子部分进行纹理处理 – 1
18. 了解面具
19. 对桌子部分进行纹理处理 – 2
20. 对椅子
进行纹理处理 21. 对架子和桌子进行纹理处理
22. 对 4 折屏风和搁板进行纹理处理
23. 添加阳台
24. 装饰房间
25. 在虚幻引擎中设置场景
26. 导出纹理
27. 设置光照和后处理
28. 创建花瓶
29. 创建小道具部分 – 1
30. 创建小道具部分 – 2
31. 为道具添加纹理
32 . 放置道具
33. 添加更多道具并拍摄高分辨率屏幕截图
Learn to create a High-Quality 3D environment using Blender, Unreal Engine (UE5) and Substance Painter
What you’ll learn
Learn to create a High-Quality 3D environment from Start to Finish
Learn 3D modelling in Blender
Learn to create realistic textures in Substance Painter
Using Smart Masks and Materials in Substance Painter
Level Design, Composition and Lighting in Unreal Engine 5
Basic understanding of 3D and the softwares used – Blender, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine 5
Hello everyone and welcome to this new course. In this course, we will go over the entire process of creating a Traditional Chinese Room Environment using Unreal Engine 5, Blender, Substance Painter.We will go over modelling in Blender, texturing using Substance Painter and setting up the scene, lighting, and materials in Unreal Engine 5.You will get:1. 33 Full HD video lectures with over 11+ hours of content and AUDIO commentary.2. All the files related to the course including .blend files, unreal project files, substance files, reference images, textures etc.SOFTWARES USED – (BLENDER, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine 5):All the modelling will be done in Blender, However, the techniques used are universal and can be replicated in any other 3D modelling package. The materials and textures will be created using Substance Painter. Level art, lighting and composition will be done in Unreal Engine 5.In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to create the final results that you see in the images and trailers. The same techniques can be applied to almost any type of environment.This course has over 11 hours of content! (All the videos have audio commentary)We will go over every step in this course together and nothing will be skipped. The course does not have any kind of timelapse so that you can follow every step easily.We will start by gathering some reference images to gain some initial ideas and the mood for our scene. We will arrange these reference images in a free program called Pure Ref. After this we will move on to Blender and start modelling our main assets. We will start by modelling things like the Writing Table, Chairs, Shelfs and all the different props in our scene, the entire process of modelling will be covered in Blender only.After we have modeled all our main assets, we will UV Unwrap and export them to Substance Painter to start the texturing process. We will learn to create high quality and realistic materials and the key features of Substance Painter like Smart Masks, generators, smart materials etc.After this we will import all our models and textures into Unreal Engine and set up the scene over there. The next step would be to set up our lighting and create a mood and atmosphere for our scene. We will use the new features of Unreal Engine such as Lumen to get realistic lighting for our scene and set up a Post-Processing volume to further enhance our scene’s visuals.Then we will spend some more time creating a lot of small props to further detail the scene even more like some Vases, Lamps, Tea Pots etc. We will end this course by adding a couple of props from Quixel Megascans to give the environment a finishing touch, setting up different camera angles and taking high resolution screenshots for our portfolio.So, I hope to see you there in the course, thank you.Who is this course for?Students that have basic knowledge of modelling, texturing and want to learn how to create environments. Everything on this course would be explained in detail but some prior knowledge of the software would be helpful.
Who this course is for
Students that have basic knowledge of modelling, texturing and want to learn how to create environments. Everything in this course would be explained in detailed but some prior knowledge of the software would be helpful.
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