创作和开发游戏制作艺术不仅需要深刻理解游戏工作室其他部门的需求和目标,还需要有技术限制的意识和知识。这个3小时的工作坊涵盖了真实游戏开发环境中的这些基本主题,与你分享你如何与工作室中的其他部门进行可视化交流,同时了解他们的需求和局限性。The Gnomon Workshop – Creating Environment Concept Art for Games – Asim A. Steckel
持续时间3小时 5分钟 1920X1080 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译) 含课程文件
标题:Gnomon工作坊-为游戏创造环境概念艺术Asim A. Steckel
3D-Coat Octane Render Blender Photoshop
Creating and developing production art for games demands not only a deep understanding of the needs and goals of other departments in a game studio but also the consciousness and knowledge of technical restrictions. This 3-hour workshop covers these essential topics in a real game-dev context to share with you how you can visually communicate ideas with other departments in a studio while also understanding their needs and limitations.
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