听着,我不能撒谎-我喜欢可塑性。我记得在fusion中建模看着所有在视频中看起来如此多汁的blender hard surface插件,尝试它们后才意识到,如果没有几何或阴影,你几乎不能做任何你想做的事情。然后返回到fusion,在屏幕不同侧的小按钮上点击大约8次来完成每个小动作。我曾梦想这样的东西,不仅它的用户界面可以与最好的blender hard surface插件相比,而且凭借cad freedom的力量,cad freedom本身甚至比fusion中的更大,Parasolid geometry内核不仅更快,而且可以处理更脏的拓扑结构。Artstation – Plasticity 3D Modeling Practical Guide for Beginners
1920X1080 mp4 时长:8小时46分钟 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)含课程文件
A gun i designed specifically for the tutorial.
Look, i cannot lie- i love Plasticity. I remember modeling in fusion looking at all the blender hard surface addons that looked so juicy on videos, trying them only to realize that you cant do almost anything you want without geometry or shading going crazy. and then going back to fusion doing every little action with ~8 clicks at small buttons in different sides of the screen. i was dreaming of something like this, not only its the ui that can be compared to the best blender hard surface addons but with the power of cad freedom, the cad freedom itself is even bigger than in fusion, the Parasolid geometry kernel is not only faster, it can handle much dirtier topology.
I guess now its your turn to enjoy it!
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