Blender基础知识:3D建模和渲染快速介绍,一个快速直奔主题的一步一步的指南,学习如何创建令人敬畏的模型和Blender渲染!您是否对3D建模和渲染感兴趣,但不知道从哪里开始?这个初学者友好的课程旨在帮助您熟练掌握使用Blender进行3D建模和渲染的基础知识。通过逐步指导和实际练习,您将学习如何创建和操纵3D对象,应用纹理和材质,以及使用Blender的内置渲染引擎创建高质量的图像。Blender Basics: A Quick Intro to 3D Modeling and Rendering
持续时间2小时 2分钟 含课程文件 1280X720 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)
What you’ll learn
Understanding of the fundamental principles of 3D modeling and rendering, which can be applied to more advanced projects in the future.
Learn how to navigate the Blender interface and create basic 3D models from scratch.
Learn how to apply textures, materials, and lighting to create realistic 3D renders of their models.
Learn how to use Blender’s built-in rendering engine to create high-quality images.
Learn the process of UV unwrapping.
Ability to apply principles of composition and lighting to create visually appealing 3D scenes suitable for rendering.
A quick straight to the point step-by-step guide to learn how to create awesome models and renders with Blender!Are you interested in 3D modeling and rendering, but don’t know where to start? This beginner-friendly course is designed to help you gain proficiency in the basics of 3D modeling and rendering using Blender. With step-by-step guidance and practical exercises, you will learn how to create and manipulate 3D objects, apply textures and materials, and use Blender’s built-in rendering engine to create high-quality images.Throughout the course, you will be introduced to Blender’s user interface and the essential tools needed to create 3D models.What you will learn: How to use Blender’s modeling tools to create 3D objects from scratchImport and manipulate existing models. How to apply textures and materials to your objectsCreate lighting and environmental effects Use Blender’s camera and rendering settings to create stunning final imagesIn addition to the core skills of 3D modeling and rendering, this course also covers other essential topics such as the principles of composition and lighting and how to create basic scenes and animations. By the end of the course, you will have gained a strong foundation in 3D modeling and rendering and will be able to create your own 3D scenes using Blender.As a final project, you will have the opportunity to apply your newfound skills to create a final scene that showcases what you have learned. You will be guided through the process of creating a concept, setting up your scene, adding details, and experimenting with composition and lighting to create a visually appealing and dynamic final product. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a career in 3D modeling and rendering or simply want to explore this exciting field, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge to get started.
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