开始您的3D动画之旅,并通过Maya中这些易于遵循的练习和项目学习核心基础知识,使用CGBLAST开始您的3D动画之旅,并朝着电影和游戏行业的职业生涯迈出第一步!如果你对3D世界感到好奇,想学习如何将不同的物体或角色栩栩如生,但不知道从哪里开始,这个面向初学者的3D动画课程将教你如何从头开始制作动画。不需要任何先验知识。3D Animation Course For Beginners In Maya
在这些课程中,您将学习如何使用Autodesk Maya软件以及如何设置专业的动画工作流。我们的主要目标是通过不同的任务和项目向你介绍12个动画原理,这将帮助你在3D动画中建立一个坚实的基础。这门课程是如何组织的?我们的3d动画课程被分成9个大的部分,每个部分你都应该能够在一周内完成。
您应该安装了Autodesk Maya,以便能够完成本课程。
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)|大小:4.51 GB 含课程文件 |时长:5小时 48分钟
Start your 3D Animation Journey and Learn the Core Fundamentals with these Easy to Follow Exercises and Projects in Maya
What you’ll learn
You will feel comfortable with Maya interface and know how to navigate in the scene, use different shortcuts and tools to animate and make your work faster
You will learn the fundamental principles of animation and know how to apply them to simple objects to create believable motion
You will know how to convey emotion of your character through clear posing by using the line of action and silhouette
Animate a bouncing ball with different timing and spacing that way expressing the weight, material and mood of the object
Create a simple vanilla walk cycle which works as a base for all the other types of animation pieces
Animate a more complex walk cycle by adding some props to you character and using constraints
No need to have any previous experience with 3D animation or Maya.
You should have Autodesk Maya installed to be able to follow along with this course.
Start your 3D animation journey with CGBLAST and take your first steps towards a career in the film and games industry!If you’re curious about the 3D world and would like to learn how to bring different objects or characters to life, but don’t know where to start, this 3D animation course for beginners will teach you how to animate from scratch. No prior knowledge is needed.In these classes you will learn how to use Autodesk Maya software and how to set up a professional workflow for animating. Our main objective is to introduce you to 12 principles of animation throughout different tasks and projects which will help you build a solid foundation in 3D animation.How is this course structured?Our 3d animation course has been divided into 9 bigger sections, and each of them you should be able to complete within one week.At the beginning of the course we are focusing on short and simple animation tasks which will help you get familiarized with the Maya software and its toolset.As you move forward with each section we go over the theory of a new animation principle and gradually create more complex animations.Finally, once you’ve covered the majority of the fundamental principles of animation and feel comfortable with Maya’s tools, we move onto character animation and create the most intricate animation pieces of the course: a change in character emotion, a ‘vanilla’ walk cycle and a more personalized walk cycle.
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