CGCircuit–掌握Nuke第1–3卷合集 时长共:8.5小时 1920X1080 mp4语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译) 含课程文件
第1卷2小时 11分钟
不需要以前的经验或知识。每一步都经过仔细的评论和解释,目的是让你在几个小时内成为一名特效师。CGCircuit – Mastering Nuke Vol 1 – 3
作者是Florian Girardot,一位专业从事合成的资深视觉效果艺术家,已经在电影行业工作了10多年。他最近的一些项目包括《死侍2》、《大侦探皮卡丘》和《远离家乡的蜘蛛侠》等。
Nuke影视特效制作与合成教程 第3卷 时长:3小时 含课程文件
This is the first course in the series Mastering Nuke: Your First Shot. In this course, you will learn how to assemble and finalize a full CG shot and through the process, you will discover the powerful tools of Nuke and its interface.
No previous experience or knowledge is required. Every step is carefully commented and explained with the goal to make you a compositor in just a few hours.
The author is Florian Girardot, a senior visual effect artist specialized in Compositing who has been working in the movie industry for more than 10 years. Some of his recent projects include Deadpool 2, Detective Pikachu and Spiderman Far From Home among others.
This course has been designed for beginners, or for people who don’t do compositing very often, and in general for people who would like to learn how to create visual effects like the ones we see in major Hollywood productions.
Hi guys! Welcome to the new course on CGCircuit, Introduction to 3D and matte-painting projection in Nuke.
In this tutorial, you’ll get to learn the powerful 3D functions of Nuke. Geometry creation, shading, lighting, animation, camera projection and more. We will use Nuke’s 3D abilities to create an animate matte-painting. To learn compositing, you need practice, and here, you’ll be able to apply those skills on a stunning concrete example. In addition, following this course will teach you the techniques and workflows used by major visual effects studios.
By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be confident using 3D in Nuke, and be able to create and animate your own matte-paintings or photos.
I’m Florian Girardot. I’m a senior visual effect artist specializing in Compositing. I’ve been working in the movie industry for more than 10 years. Some of my recent projects include Deadpool 2, Detective Pikachu and Spiderman Far From Home.
This entire curriculum is based on both my professional and teaching experiences.
In the first chapter, you will discover how to create a 3D scene in Nuke using, geometries, lights, shaders and cameras.
In the second chapter, you will learn one of the most important compositing techniques, camera projection. You will also learn how to breakdown a Photoshop file.
Then, in the third chapter, you will learn what a depth channel is, and how to use it to grade your comp and apply depth of field.
Finally in the last chapter, you’ll learn a technique to add more life to your matte-painting.
Some of the key takeaways of this course are:
-Learn the essential components of a 3D system in Nuke
-Work with cameras
-Render a 3D scene through a Scanline Render
-Work with camera projection
-Work with multi layers photoshop files
-Work with the Depth Channel
– use the Zdefocus Node
Alright guys, this is a thrilling topic, I’m really excited to start, so let’s go!
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