学习使用创造性的照明、建模和纹理技术来创建引人入胜的3D环境,将您的观察变成引人注目的想象世界,Rendering Photorealistic 3D Scenes in Blender
.ts |视频:h264 1920×1080 |时长:3小时 | 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)含课程文件
Learn to create engaging 3D environments using creative lighting, modeling, and texturing techniques that turn your observations into eye-catching imaginary worlds
“I explore 3D environment creation that exists at the boundary of the real and surreal. I try to give life to imaginative worlds that engender a feeling of nostalgia and relaxation in the viewer.”
His unique artistic style has led James Tralie to create album cover art, and product visualizations for brands including Zara, Apple, and Nissan. He also works as a producer at animator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and shares his expertise with 145K followers on Instagram.
In this online course, James teaches you how to conceptualize, design, and render a photorealistic architectural scene using the Open Source software, Blender. Learn how to observe the world around you and capture its key elements through digital rendering. Experiment with 3D and pursue your own artistic style!
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