您是否有兴趣在虚幻引擎5中创建惊人的、真实的产品可视化和动画,但发现学习曲线有点吓人?不要再看了!我专门为像你这样的初学者创建了这个综合课程,以帮助你轻松地将你的3D艺术技能提升到一个新的水平!Unreal Engine 5: Realistic Product Animation / Visualization
在本教程中,我们将涵盖在虚幻引擎5中导入模型,纹理,灯光,动画和渲染的基础知识。我们也将在达芬奇密码中对我们的渲染进行颜色分级!即使你没有什么经验,我也向你保证这门课程非常容易掌握。但是,需要对如何导航Unreal Engine的UI和使用基本工具有基本的了解。
持续时间2小时 55分钟 1280X720 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)
通过基于项目的方法学习在Unreal Engine 5中使用产品可视化的基础知识
What you’ll learn
Learn the basics of using Product Visualization in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Learn the basics of Lighting in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Learn the basics of Camera Animation in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Learn the basics of Rendering in Unreal Engine 5 with a Project based approach
Are you interested in creating amazing, realistic product visualizations and animations in Unreal Engine 5 but find the learning curve a little intimidating? Look no further! I have created this comprehensive course specifically for beginners like you, to help you take your 3D art skills to the next level with ease!
In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of importing models, texturing, lighting, animating and rendering in Unreal Engine 5. We will also be color grading our renders in Davinci Resolve! Even if you have very little experience, I assure you that this course is extremely easy to follow. However, a basic understanding of how to navigate the UI of Unreal Engine and use basic tools is required.
What sets this class apart is that it takes you through the raw process of creating art as a 3D artist. Together, we will solve problems and make creative decisions. You will learn all the skills and techniques necessary to create stunning visuals and animations.
But that’s not all. The best part of this class is the project you’ll be working on! After watching the tutorial, you’ll create a 3D product animation of your choice, using all the techniques and skills taught in the class. I encourage you to use your own unique colors and lighting setups to make your work stand out.
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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
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