学习创造你可以引以为豪的3D雕塑 CGBoost – Master 3D Sculpting in Blender-PART-3 Chapters 11 to 13
课程时长:7.5小时 1280X720 mp4 含课程文件 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译 云桥CG资源站 平台huo取课程)
此课程为Blender数字雕刻终极指南学习教程PART-3 Chapters 11 to 13更新部分
我们强烈建议先学习我们全面的Blender Launch Pad课程(购买本课程时,在结账页面会有特别折扣)。你需要的最基本的搅拌机知识,你也可以在我们免费的搅拌机初学者课程中找到。
我们尽一切努力使我们的课程尽可能易懂,易于学习。然而,如果你仍然遇到困难,你可以在每节课的讨论区或者我们的CG Boost社区寻求帮助。CG Boost团队和其他学生会在那里帮助你。
Master 3D Sculpting in Blender
The Ultimate Guide to Digital Sculpting
Learn to create 3D Sculptings you can be proud of
This course teaches you all important Blender sculpting fundamentals and how to create stunning 3D sculptures from scratch, using only free tools.
You have a basic understanding on how to use Blender, and now you want to level up your skills, by diving into the great sculpting tool set Blender offers.
The tutorials you can find online are giving you a basic idea, but they don’t teach you how to create stunning high-quality sculptures, in a step-by-step approach.
That is why we created this comprehensive course to give you an easy and fun guide into the world of digital sculpting.
No previous sculpting knowledge is required. We teach you the fundamentals, with simple exercises, and then step-by-step guide you into more advanced sculpting workflows.
After going through this course, you have done multiple small sculpting exercises and created some high-quality creature sculptings. Then you will be prepared to turn any 2D character or creature concept into a digital sculpting.
Everything you need to learn about digital sculpting in ONE place
This course will teach you everything that is important to start your digital sculpting journey in Blender. All the important brushes, tools, settings and workflows are explained, and you will learn the full sculpting process on multiple practical exercises.
No need for gathering online videos from different sources.
Suitable for sculpting beginners
No matter if you never sculpted before or if you have some knowledge, this course focuses on quality content suitable for both, sculpting beginners and intermediate artists.
However, it is assumed, that you know how to use Blender in general, like navigation, basic modeling tools etc.
We highly recommend taking our comprehensive Blender Launch Pad course first (there is a special discount at the checkout page when purchasing this course). The minimum Blender knowledge you need, you can also find in our free Blender Beginners course.
No paid add-ons or tools necessary
In this course we will only work with Blender, which is completely free and might combine it with other free add-ons and tools.
Get help along the way
We take all efforts to make our courses as understandable and easy to follow as possible. However, if it still happens that you get stuck along the way, you can ask for help in the discussion section under each lesson or in our CG Boost community. The CG Boost team and other students are there to help you.
Thorough structured in high quality
Currently, (with part 1, 2 and partially 3 out), over 18+ hrs of content awaits you. To make this easy to chew, we split the course into multiple chapters and currently 130+ short and fun videos, mostly between 5 and 15 minutes long. The videos can be streamed online in up to 4k resolution, or be fully downloaded in 2k resolution.
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