Blender产品建模-耳机节拍,嘿,伙计们,为了响应学生的要求,我们正在根据学生的要求录制我们的课程,为了满足他们的一些要求,我们准备了这个令人难以置信的循序渐进的课程,在这个课程中,学生将以一种非常清晰和结构良好的方式遵循整个制作工作流程,为3d包装照片建模。Production workflow with Blender
我们将涵盖以下主题:参考图像的重要性,耳机Beats产品的建模,照明,纹理和渲染。在这次培训后,学生将能够为产品开发他们自己的3d模型。我们将在目前最稳定的版本中使用免费的blender软件,版本2.93.4 lts。我们将带来建模技巧和映射照明技术,为您的3d模型赋予真实感。我们有一个facebook小组来支持和提高学生,除了能够联网和分享他们的工作,会见其他艺术家和谁知道如何通过与他们的研究同事交朋友找到工作。在本课程中,将展示一步一步的建模工作流程,开门见山,以便学生能够最大限度地吸收所介绍的内容。不要错过在当前最有前景的市场中成为产品3d可视化专家的机会。我在课堂上等你——我们学习吧!…..
由Avenew Academy Bootcamp创建
MP4 |1280×720 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥CG资源站机译)时长:5小时11分钟
Hey guys, please, in response to students’ requests, we are recording our courses according to the students’ requests and to meet some of them we have prepared this incredible step-by-step course where the student will follow the entire production workflow in a very clear and well-structured way for modeling a 3d packshot.we will cover topics such as: the importance of reference images, modeling, lighting, texturing and rendering of a Headset Beats product.after this training the student will be able to develop their own 3d models for products.We will be using the free blender software in the most stable version at the moment, version 2.93.4 lts. we will bring modeling tips and mapped lighting techniques to give realism to your 3d models.We have a facebook group to support and improve the student, in addition to being able to network and share their work, meet other artists and who knows how to get jobs by making friends with their study colleagues.In this course, the step-by-step modeling workflow will be shown, straight to the point, so that the student can absorb the maximum of the content presented.Don’t miss the chance to become a professional in 3d visualization of products in the most promising market of the moment. I’m waiting for you in class – let’s study!…..
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