The Gnomon Workshop – Product Rendering with V-Ray with Jesse Flores
持续时间4h 22m MP4 1920X1080 教程大小 解压后1.5G 语言:英语+机译中文字幕
标题:Gnomon工作坊-与Jesse Flores一起使用V-Ray进行产品渲染
了解如何为打印、包装和在线营销材料制作好看的产品呈现。通过分解和研究真实世界中的示例以及在现实中展示产品所使用的技术,讲师Jesse Flores揭示了如何使用Maya和V-Ray创建有效的数字照明工作流,从而对场景中的照明进行完全控制,以及如何在后期制作中重建渲染作为最后阶段。
软件:V-Ray Maya


Duration 4h 22m MP4

Title: The Gnomon Workshop – Product Rendering with V-Ray with Jesse Flores
Discover what it takes to make great-looking product renders for print, packaging, and online marketing materials. By breaking down and investigating real-world examples and what techniques are used to showcase products in reality, instructor Jesse Flores reveals how to create an effective digital lighting workflow using Maya and V-Ray that offers complete control over the lighting in your scene, as well as how to rebuild renders in post-production as the final stage.

With over four hours of lectures, Product Rendering with V-Ray discusses the importance of how to set up your 3D camera in Maya and explains how various angles affect the value of the products you’re shooting as well as how each decision has an impact on your workflow. The lectures also include lighting techniques using HDR images, light textures, and mesh lights in V-Ray, and how each can successfully showcase details within a product to catch a consumer’s eye. The concluding chapters teach how to composite all of the render layers together in Nuke using Cryptomattes to achieve professional-looking final images.

Software: V-Ray Nuke Maya

01. What Makes a Great Image
02. Camera Angles and Setup
03. Initial Light Blocking and Techniques
04. Targeted Lighting Part 1
05. Targeted Lighting Part 2
06. Render Layers and Setup
07. Rebuilding in Nuke
08. Finalizing the Image